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Louisa's p.o.v

Softly biting my lip I keep thinking 'sure, they would have got the crystals... but no one would have to worry on someone being in here. Maybe if I was smarter they wouldn't have to worry at all and the two traitors could've just left with a suitcase.' It sounds like we're basically drilling our way up which tells me that we were underground still. Breathing in and out I think of my teammates, I'm already powered up- it should be easy. Raph groaning got my attention, so I open my eyes and see that he's right there at the pinball machine.

Looking around the room I see basically everyone in here as Raph says "I don't get it" Dezzy nods saying "me either. Why are you guys just waiting around? You should be doing something!!" Raph nods once. "Dezzy's right, Louisa's captured and the end of the world is coming!" Raph yells out. Leo then says "be patient, guys - the Donnie's, Kit and Baxter say they're working on something. We should wait til they're ready" softly sighing I say "great time to get a warning" I got everyone's attention.

They're all looking at me shocked and the 1987 turtles were even more shocked to see me like this "woah, is she dead?!" Michelangelo asks. Mikey shakes his head saying "nah, bro - she can just let her spirit leave her body." Casey steps up saying "where are you, yo?!" I look to the side saying "they're using me to power the Technodrome. It's at a hundred percent!" Raph softly growls at this saying "they're what?!?" I nod at this. "They're drilling to the surface as we speak" I say as I point up to be meaning up top.

April was the one to say "wait... how are they using you?" I hard swallow saying "torture device - if I don't stay powered up I get electrocuted." "Yeah, but you can handle it! You handled that wired cage easily" Raphael says a bit smugly. Deadpanning at him I say "I had to stay powered up to do that, Raphael" "oh..." he says a bit embarrassed. Softly sighing I say "I should get back before things get worse... please save me guys" "don't worry, sis. We will!" Leo says determined while standing up, so I smile and go back to my body.

Screaming I felt like I was being electrocuted before powering up "wow, talk about da late reaction" Rocksteady says as tears fall down my eyes. "Are you okay, g? You kinda blacked out there for a second" Bebop asks me as he tilts his head. The other two aren't bothering to pay attention as all they cared about was that the ship is powered again. With that I groan as it feels like my body is a bit dead "I feel like my body is slowly being drained." "Yeah, great side effect" Kraang-guy informs me which made my eyes widen.

"We get to destroy the world and get rid of your dumb mug!" Shred-Head says happily before laughing a bit, so I nervously bite my lip at that. Humming a bit in thought I realize that we got up top, so I think of the gang again. "Louisa?.. what are you doing back here?" Leo asks which made me open my eyes and look around. I didn't pay that much attention to who was all in here as all I had to do was notice Sam. Smiling I say "gurl, you have to find the elementals - something tells me we'll need them."

She looks at me confused saying "I don't know where they are though" thinking a bit I smile and make a bit of a snowball. Blowing some air on it, it starts to glow a light blue before I throw it at her head, she grunts at that. "Weeza, I swear when I see you again-!" Sam stopped as her eyes widen "I.. I know where Elemental land is." Leo's eyes widened at that as he still drives, so with that I bow saying "and with that, I give you a good farewell." "Wait! Just Kash and Haven, right?" She asks confused, so I shake my head at that.

They were both confused until I answer with "all of Earth, all of fire and ice - tell them Louisa said they're needed for a big mission." She nods once and jumps out of the vehicle before leaving, so Leo softly sighs "I hope you know what you're doing." "Barely, now I have to go back to my pained body since my power is here and not in the ship." "Wait, what?-" I thought of my own body again and that was the last I heard of Leo as I scream in pain. Powering up I'm panting as more tears fall down my face "geez, stay with us!" Bebop yells out.

With that I notice that Kraang-guy and Shred-Head stopped paying attention again as both Bebop and Rocksteady look at me worried. "Da! You were shocked for so long, hair is different color" Rocksteady informs me worriedly. Furrowing my eyebrows confused I move my head forward to see my hair- and see that it's basically a bit blonde. Most of the bottom at least, the rest is still a bit pinkish purple or a light blue with the blue I had. Breathing in I say "okay, wow- didn't know that could be possible" I groan a bit in pain at this.

The Technodrome is moving forward again as it feels like we ran over a building or something, the camera changed a bit instead of being on the road. Now we see both the Party Wagon and Shellrazor with giant guns on top of them before they shot at the ship. Nothing changed as we're still moving forward, Shred-Head and Kraang-guy finally look back at Bebop and Rocksteady. Softly panting I keep looking down at them "come, Bebop and Rocksteady! Enjoy the fruits of your labor." Kraang-guy agrees saying "yes, join us! After all, none of this would be possible without you two."


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


2012 TMNT The Big Blowout (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now