Chapter One

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I believe in two Gods.

The muggle God, Jesus Christ, who created this beautiful world where we live in, and the wizarding God, Merlin, who created this amazing world full of magic.

Usually, in the Wizarding World, we only believe in Merlin, because we don't really associate with the Muggle World. But since my parents and I live between the muggles, we went out of our ways and learned their ways, and went to church on Sundays to hear the wonderful stories of Jesus.

I was admiring the breathtaking snowflake I created. The little details, the smallest ones even, were perfectly engraved with different shapes and forms. I may have created this snowflake, but God created natural snowflakes, and mine was basically also created by him, although it came from me. If God made this much detail in a snowflake, the beauty on something so small, what makes us think that our lives is any less important? We don't always appreciate it.

I was startled by a knock on my door, making me lose my concentration on the snowflake as it fell on my hand and immediately melting away due to my body heat.

The door opened, and my beautiful mother entered.

"Hello, honey." Mum greet me.

"Hi, mum." I greet her back.

She closed the door behind her and walked further into my room. She took a seat on my butterfly-themed cover bed and gestured me to go to her.

I crawled up to her and sat on the ground in front of her, and turned so that my back was facing her. Her fingers combed softly through my long, brown hair, before she took a hold of it and began to work her magic.

My mum took an interest in hairstyling this summer after she saw a show on the television of different people who's hair gets a makeover by professionals.

"Your friends will be here in two hours." She said, designing a french braid. (the mirror was in front of me and I saw her being busy at the top of my head)

I made a whining noise. "But I'm not ready yet."

She did not answer and I actually thought that she didn't hear me. I looked in the mirror again and saw her concentrating on the under braids.

She tightened my hair with a rubber band and took out a few strands out of my braid.

"Then you better get ready. You've been in your pajamas the whole day." She said once she inspected my face through the mirror and looked at my hair.

She pat my head twice and I moved away so that she could stand up.

"You've been too pre-occupied with your powers these last few days, Leila. It's not healthy to use them constantly."

How did she know?

She raised her eyebrow. "Your bedroom floor is wet, there's burnmarks on your clothes and Athena's cage is destroyed."


She walked up to me and put a hand on my shoulder. "Honey, I get that you want to see what your powers can do, but you are ruining your personal stuff."

"And dad will probably kill me if he sees the mess." I sheepishly said.

My mother released a light laugh. "He probably will, yes. But we will replace them before your father finds out."

"Is this the first time you will me doing this?" I ask her.

"No, sweetheart. I've done it about a million times." She scoff. "But shhh..." She put a finger on her lips as she slipped out of my room while looking at me.

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