Chapter Four

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Today was a perfect first day of school to be starting the term with Herbology, in one of the greenhouses. After McGonagall gave us our timetables at breakfast and when I was done with my dish of waffles, syrup and milk, I quickly went back to my common room to brush my teeth and freshen up. Like we did in our first year, Hermione, along with Harry and Ron, waited for me in the Entrance Hall before we made our way outside. Professor Sprout strode up to us as we assembled by the greenhouses, accompanied by Lockhart. Sprout looked like she was attacked by something, with her arms full of bandages. Lockhart looked perfectly unharmed, in his turquoise robes and golden hair in perfect place.

The class -again, mostly the girls- erupted into quiet whispers as Lockhart approached the class. "Oh, hello there!" He called as he beamed at us. "Just been showing Professor Sprout the right way to doctor a Whomping Willow! But I don't want you running away with the idea that I'm better at Herbology than she is! I just happen to have met several of these exotic plants on my travels..."

If looks could kill, Lockhart would've dropped dead, with the way Sprout was looking at him.

"Greenhouse Three today, chaps!" Grumbled Sprout, not sounding her cheerful self at all.

A sound of interest was heard. Sprout took out one of the large keys from her belt and walked to one of the greenhouses and unlocked the door. Just as the door opened, a damp earth and fertilizer smell hit us in the face. The whole greenhouse was filled with different types of plants and flowers. There was a long table in the middle and a bunch of moving plants were placed on it. Just as we were all inside, we heard a slam of a door and turned to see Sprout facing the door. She faced us with a scowl on her face. "Please stand behind a pot, we will begin shortly."

Each student did as they were told and I made my way to stand next to Hermione. 

"Leila!" Someone called me, making me searching around curiously, looking for the person. At the end of the table, Morag, Isobel and Mandy waved eagerly at me. I laughed and waved back, only realizing now that they are also in this class. I have actually noticed that our whole year is in this class, just like in Astronomy.

Sprout put on her dragon gloves and instructed us to do the same. The gloves' material were hard and a little difficult to move your fingers and bending them. As I adjusted my cream-colored glove, Harry entered the room. He quickly apologized to Sprout and made his way to Ron, who was across from us.

"Today we're going to repot Mandrakes. Now, who here can tell me the properties of the Mandrake root?"

To nobody's surprise, Hermione's hand was first, and the only one, in the air.

"Yes, Miss Granger?" Sprout acknowledge.

Hermione breathed in happily. "Mandrake, or Mandragora, is a powerful restorative. It is used to return those who have been transfigured or cursed, to their original state. It is also quite dangerous. The Mandrake's cries' fatal to anyone who hears it."

"Excellent! Ten points to Gryffindor!" Sprout said with a smile.

All the Gryffindors in the class smiled wickedly because of the points they just earned.

"Now, as our Mandrake's are still only seedlings," She pointed to a row of deep trays as she spoke. "their cries won't kill you yet, but they can knock you out for several hours, which is why I have give each of you a pair of earmuffs, for orditry protection. So can you please put them on, right away. Quickly!"

We all grabbed the earmuffs that were laying by the pots and put them on, making sure that it was properly covering our ears.

"Flaps tight down, and watch me closely." Sprout showed us her own earmuffs that were already over her ears.

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