Chapter Twelve

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My friends looked very interested in my secrecy and promised to keep it for themselves. Each of us took a turn each evening to reveal a secret that we wanted to get off our chests. Since I was the first one, the others had their chance. Tonight was Michael's turn, the last one.

My friends and I walked in pairs of two and I was walking with Isobel to the Great Hall for breakfast. As we reached the Entrance Hall, a bunch of people were huddled together around a notice board. They were all hushing in excitement. As we got near, we decided to join the crowd, trying to find out what the fuss is about. We lightly pushed our way to the front and scanned the notes until we finally found the topic.

"Duelling Club tonight." I read off the parchment. "Sounds like fun." I smiled, looking at Mandy, who stood next to me with Morag, as she chatted away with Isobel.

"I hope we get to duel each other." Mandy grinned as she linked her arm with mine and pulled me away from the buzzing, to the Great Hall. We made our way to our usual seats and helped ourselves with food. Mango slices, strawberries, waffles with running syrup on top, and some hot chocolate. I was not fully satisfied with my delicious breakfast, as I needed just one more thing: bacon. My eyes searched up and down the table, but could not find a single piece. Finally, I spot one lonely piece, laying alone in a bowl, which was on the other side from where I was sitting. "Keep an eye on my food. I will be right back." I said distantly to Mandy as I stood up.

"Okay.." She said, rather confused. "Where are you going?" I didn't answer her as I walked to the near-end of the table, by the entrance of the Great Hall. I licked my lips, eager to taste that sweet, sticky meat. Just as I reached out to take it, another hand beats me to it and snatched the bacon.

"Hey!" I pout at the stranger, about to yell at them for stealing my bacon. I looked up and groaned. "Ugh, Malfoy."

He grinned when I said his name. "Why are you looking so sulky, Powell? It's such a nice day today."

I looked out the window and saw a cold, snowy day. I looked back at him with a blank look. "I am sulky because someone think they are so clever by stealing a piece of bacon that I was craving for, the only one left on our house table." I went out to grab the bacon in his hand, but he was much quicker than me and held his hand back, far from my reach.

"Come on, Malfoy." I whined in irritation. "Why did you have to steal this specific one? Don't your table have bacon? And what are you doing in this side of the hall, anyway? You seem a bit far from your people?"

He made sure to make me suffer as he broke off a small piece and shoved it into his mouth. "I just came in, saw you and decided to pester you."

"I figured." Mumbling, I crossed my arms. He smirked.

"And I think there are plenty of bacon by our table." He looked at the Slytherins, then back at me, raising his eyebrows.

I got the hint and gave him a weird look. "If you think that I will go to your table, just to get some bacon, then you have a screw loose." I tapped the side of my head with my finger.

He chuckled, making me smile a bit. "I didn't say anything."

"You implied it." I bit back.

"I'm sorry." He muse, not sounding sorry at all. He broke off half of the bacon he has left and gave it to me.

I beamed at him and gently took the piece. "You have a heart after all." I joke, earning a heart-warming chuckle from him.

We stood in silence after that as I broke off little pieces and happily munched on it. I looked at Draco, only to see him already staring at me. "What?"

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