Chapter Five

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It was finally the weekend. Although it was only the first week, having no classes for the first time felt like a breeze. The teachers gave us difficult work to complete. Well, all except Lockhart's class, his class was a joke. Most of the time he talks about himself. But the rest of the classes, it's pretty good so far.

I was nibbling on a piece of bacon in the Great Hall when Hermione tapped me on the shoulder. I gave her a smile but frowned when I saw the plate of food in her hands. "Planning on eating breakfast in the bathroom?" I joke.

Hermione laughed at my question. "No, we're going to the Quidditch pitch."

"To watch the Gryffindors practice." Ron added, standing next to Hermione with a plate of his own.

"Join us?" Hermione smiled at me.

"Sure." I  gave them a broad smile and grabbed five pieces of bacon and shoved them into my robes' pocket, before I stood up and joined them. 

Then sun was shining, with a beautiful layer of mist hovering above the grass. We took the top bench in the stands and sat down. At the bottom of the stands, I saw Colin Creevey eagerly sitting on the edge of the bench, probably waiting for Harry.

I was almost finished with my bacon, when the Gryffindor team finally walked out onto the pitch. Harry was the smallest of them all, carrying his Numbus Two-Thousand that he got as a gift from Professor McGonagall last year.

"Aren't you finished yet?" Ron yelled out as Harry looked into our direction.

"Haven;t even started, Wood's been teaching us new moves!" Harry yelled back.

The whole team mounted their brooms and soared up into the air. At some point, Harry raced Fred and George around the pitch.

Colin rapidly began to click his camera. "Look this way, Harry! This way!" He cried as he clicked away.

"Colin!" I called. "Slow down, you're distracting him!"

"Sorry!" He apologized as he stopped clicking for a bit.

Suddenly the team stopped flying, as they just hovered in the air while they looked at something. On the other side of the stadium, we saw a group of seven, wearing green robes, entering the pitch with their own broomsticks. The Gryffindors made a move to land near the Slytherins and went to talk to them.

"Uh oh, I smell trouble." Ron mumbled as he and Hermione stood up.

"Where are you going now?" I ask confused as I watched them stepping down on the benches.

"We're going to see what's going on." Hermione said as she skipped down.

"But it's none of our business what they're talking about. We shouldn't get involved!" I called after them. Either they're deaf or ignoring me, because they did not answer.

I groaned at the retreating figures and made my way to the bottom. "Come on, Colin. Let us see what the commotion is about." I called to the boy and he happily walked next to me to the pitch.

We made it to the Gryffindors and Slytherins, who was seeming to be in a heated conversation. We stopped right next to Hermione as Ron asks: "And what's he doing here?"

"I'm the new Slytherin Seeker, Weasley." I only saw now that Draco Malfoy stood alongside the Slytherin team, wearing their Quidditch uniform. "And that's not all that's new this year." He made a move so that his broomstick was in full view. We all looked at the broom and then noticed that their whole team has the same ones.

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