Hi guys,
Sorry for the very late update!! I'm moving to Dublin in 3 days so it's been a busy week. I will try to get another chapter before Thursday but no guarantees. Hope you enjoy it! Also, shout out and thank you to @lovebeyondwords for naming Chapter 18. I would love to hear all your suggestions for this chapter too. :)
The Darkling had gone off to save Mother. Apparently, Ivan couldn't do his job. Fedyor had stayed behind as he would be my escort back to the Little Palace. Things were already changing more. I really needed to get back home. I remember saying something about this interaction they would have in the future; something about how the Darkling was all up in her face.
The Darkling. I was still hurt. The weird thing was he hadn't done anything. Not yet. Why was I mad at him now? He had always been my King. Was I hurt? I had no reason to be. Or had I felt this way all this time? My true feelings finally emerged. I closed my eyes in frustration.
I should just sleep. I don't need this.
I closed my eyes, letting slumber embrace me. Of course, this did not last long. I could feel sweat dripping down my brow, a tension seized my body as if... as if... I was now in a forest. I didn't like where this was going.
Strange. Why hadn't I seen the Summoner's cord? She was running, feet slipping on the fallen autumn leaves. Her breath was ragged, uneven. Survival mode. Unfortunately, she didn't make it. Tackled from behind, she fell, the knife no longer in her grip. A Fjerdan, I realised. Mother thrashed and squirmed - a desperate attempt to free herself, but the Drüskel was too strong. Saints! Where was he?
"Mother!" I tried.
She didn't see me. Odd.
He climbed on top of her, pinning her arms to her sides and reached for his knife.
"I'll gut you right here, witch!" he growled in a thick accent.
At that moment, I heard a horse come to a halt, and I saw the Fjerdan turn to look at the newcomer.
The Darkling slid off his mount and brought his hands together in a familiar gesture. Shadows poured from the source. I couldn't see anything, but I could hear the penetrating screams. No mercy. Not when it comes to the Sun Queen.
The Fjerdan was staring at the Darkling now, his figure frozen in complete terror. Mother took the opportunity.
"I'm here," she cried.
The Darkling turned at the sound, raising his hands once more.
"Nej!" shouted the Fjerdan, his knife now risen, "I don't need to see to put my knife through her heart!"
I held my breath, knowing what was to come.

The Summoners' Heir
FanfictionBorn to both light and shadows, I'm respected but feared. I have lived many centuries and served as a general under the Darkling and Mother's reign. In a desperate attempt to flee an ambush, I unknowingly used merzost. Little did I know that I had r...