Chapter 23: It's Like Looking In A Mirror

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I realised I still was in the Father's chambers. Rubbing my eyes, I noticed I was still at the dining table. Wait, why wasn't I... I got up to see that Father and I had fallen asleep. He had even used his cloak as a blanket to cover me. I can't believe he just let me stay in his arms the whole night through. How did I not notice? Why didn't he get a guard to take me back to bed?

I had never seen him asleep before - I didn't know he did. He was always the workaholic type. I suppose being a General did that to you. I knew from experience, after all. He looked so peaceful. Doing my best not to disturb him, I moved to untangle myself from his hold. His grip tightened on me as he sensed the movement, but I was quicker. Regretfully so. I took his cloak and covered him the way I was seconds ago, and before I lost the nerve...

"See you soon, Father," I whispered, giving him a quick kiss on the forehead before I left for Baghra's.

Baghra's Hut

"So, how is your little mission going?"

"Just fine, if I do say so myself."

She snorted, not quite believing my audacity.

"You really are just like him."


"Oh, I think you know whom."

I frowned. Once upon a time, that would have made me mad, but now I'm not so sure. It seemed she picked up on this too.

"You're not mad?"

I shook my head.

"I see."

To my surprise, she smiled. A small one, but still.

"He's very fond of you too, little one."

My head shot up in an instant.

"Didn't you warn me not to let myself be deluded by such ideas? Was it not you..."

Now it was her turn to shake her head, but I noted how she was still smiling.

"I don't know how you've done it, girl."

"Done what, exactly?"

She paused, thinking over her words. It was very un-Baghra-like.

"I haven't seen my boy in years, and somehow, you're bringing him back to me."

"I don't understand."

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