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The man sitting on the bar stool stared at the cards in his hand, frowning slightly.

In the background, the loud, rapid-fire chatter of commentators filled the air.

Looking up, he said one word, "Call," before tossing a pair of poker chips into the center of the table.

"Come on man, grow some balls!"

The man raised his cool stare to the heckler across the table. There was a stillness, a cold, predatory patience in his bearing that had earned him a certain amount of respect and fear.

Unfortunately, the man across the table was one of his closest friends, and that wasn't about to work on him.

"What?" the heckler continued, "are you not making enough off of your Alpha salary to raise?"

The man narrowed his dark eyes. "Will? Fuck off."

Will only chuckled, "Watch out guys, I think I hit a nerve."

The other guys around the table snickered, and with a groan, the man tossed out another pair of chips. "Fine, raise."

"Atta boy, Malcolm – we'll make a poker player out of you yet."

Picking up his beer, Malcolm scoffed, "I've been playing longer than you."

Will shrugged, "Details."

The play moved on and the conversation turned to speculations about the game before a voice from the top of the stairs interrupted them.

"Hun? Noah's requesting 'The Three Little Pigs', and I'm apparently not doing the voices right."

Will sighed, smiling fondly. "I'll be up in a minute – I just want to finish this hand, okay?"


Shaking his head, Will grinned, "The joys of parenthood. Anyway, I have an impatient three-year-old waiting for me – let's show 'em."

Going around the table, Will laid down a flush, defeating each opponent in succession until Malcolm's turn came up.

Eyeing the cards on the table, Malcolm glanced up, meeting Will's gaze.

Then, he smirked-

-and he laid down a full house.

"Son of a bitch."

He began gathering his chips. "Tell Noah goodnight for us."

With a huff, Will stood, disappearing up the stairs.

Malcolm brought his glass up to his lips, looking over his growing pile of winnings.

"So," Aiden, his second-in-command, began, "have you given it any thought?"


"Zoë's cousin. She's going to be at the regional Meeting this summer, and Zoë thinks you two would hit it off."

Not again.

Malcolm drank, stalling for time. As he set his pint down, he spoke with his most diplomatic tone, "I'm sure she's lovely, but I'm not looking-"

"Sure." Aiden cocked an eyebrow, "And when, exactly, are you going to start looking?"

Malcolm rolled his eyes. This topic, his lack of a mate, had been coming up more and more frequently as the years passed.

"I'm not in a rush to choose – it's not like I'm going to crumble into dust if I don't find a mate tomorrow."

Aiden snorted. "We're more worried about you getting carpal-tunnel syndrome if you spend another year single."


...but not incorrect.

"Look man, I've been there, alright? I didn't see what the big deal was about mating – and then I met Zoë. Just- you have to trust me man; you don't know what you're missing."

That's where he's wrong...

Malcolm raised his beer. "There's no harm in taking my time-"

"Your dating pool is getting smaller and smaller every year. If you wait much longer, you're not going to have many options."

I don't want options...

A memory flashed over his vision, an image of soft, dark hair that shone in the sunlight.

Full lips curved into a shy smile.

Big, brilliant eyes that had so completely captivated him...


Shaking himself from his reverie, he pushed his thoughts away.

It would never happen.

He would never let it happen.

Malcolm's breath settled heavy in his chest as he turned his attention back to the conversation.

She deserves so much better than me...

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