Chapter 38

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Sunday morning arrived with a stomach full of anxiety, so as the time for Malcolm's arrival neared, I was standing in the kitchen, finishing up the last bites of my breakfast.

There. Now it's full of anxiety and a bagel.

I was washing up, tidying the counter when an unmistakable knock sounded on the front door.

My heart leapt, and I dried my hands on the dishtowel, heading toward the sound before darting back and shutting off the faucet.

Taking hold of the bags that were standing by the door, I opened it, smile spreading across my face as I saw the man on the other side.

A T-shirt stretched over the muscled chest I'd slept against, and his leather motorcycle jacket hid the arms that had held me close. Jeans covered his long, toned legs and parts that I knew by sight but had yet to touch or taste.

Malcolm's eyes lit up, brightening with a warmth that radiated from him.

"Hi," Malcolm's voice rumbled through me, soft but powerful.

"Hi," I replied, a sudden shyness overtaking me as I remembered my last bold words to him.

You packed lingerie in the hopes that he'd rip it off of you - we're way past shyness at this point.

Malcolm seemed to catch the direction of my thoughts, and the warmth in his eyes kindled into flame.

Stepping closer, I placed a hand on his sternum, rising up on tiptoe to press a quick peck against his lips.

Before I could pull away, his hands caught me, holding me tight as he deepened the kiss, claiming me, marking me as his.

Releasing me, he chuckled, "We should probably put this on hold until we reach Meryton."

Dazed with his taste on my tongue, I stared at his mouth, "I mean, what's the harm in arriving a couple hours late?"

"Hours?" His wicked smirk taunted me, "What are you planning on doing to me, woman?"

Meeting his gaze, I linked my arms behind his neck, promising, "Step inside and I'll show you."

Regret seemed to wash over him, and he glanced back at the truck, "Unfortunately, that's not really an option."

"What do you mean? The only thing on the agenda today is the welcome barbecue - don't tell me that's required."

Malcolm sighed, picking up my luggage, "It's not that."

"What is it?"

He grimaced, "We've got passengers."


"Couple of kids joining the Pack Exchange Program. Their parents couldn't take the entire week off to go with them, and someone needed to drive them up."

"Oh," I felt my desire deflating, "well, shit."

Leaning down, he gently kissed my forehead, "We've got time."

"Alright," I grumbled, digging in my pockets for my keys.

When the door was locked behind me, I followed Malcolm down to the bed of the truck, noting the trailer.

"What's this?" I asked.



Malcolm lowered the tailgate, explaining, "Freebies and displays for the Pack Information Fair, pack-made goods for the Bazaar, and a bunch of other odds and ends that wouldn't fit in the truck."

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