Chapter 18

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The next morning, my alarm woke me as the faint light of early dawn began to dull the darkness.

Warm between unfamiliar sheets, I stretched, toes digging into the soft padding of the mattress.

Then, I felt my heart begin to race, thinking of the day that lay ahead of me.

You'll be fine, you can do this...

But shadows of doubt flickered in my heart.

I wanted to believe Gerald, wanted to share his conviction that I was ready to handle this.

But a little voice in the back of my mind kept telling me that I was a fraud, that the only thing this meeting would accomplish was proving my incompetence.

Your career was a waste of time, your degree was a waste of money, and you should have stayed home and-

Flinging back the bed sheets, I walked to the bathroom, stripping off my pajamas and throwing them to the floor.

No - not that.

Never that.

Collecting my things, I stepped into the walk-in shower, twisting the knob and biting back a squeal as cold water cascaded over me.

The warmth began to come through, and I stood under the spray, feeling the shudders gradually subside.

I can doubt my skills, my knowledge, and my competence, but I will never question whether or not leaving home was the right choice.

Down in the lobby, I waited, the briefcase and my most professional purse sitting on the floor beside my chair.

The mediator, Debra, had messaged, saying she was on her way. From the hotel, she would drive us to the law office where the meetings were being held. The firm, jointly run by members of both packs, was the only space the two Alphas could agree on.

Behind me, I heard a voice speak, "Hey, just wanted to wish you good luck today."

Turning, I saw Malcolm approaching, looking delicious and down-to-Earth in a T-shirt and jeans.

"Oh, hi!" I felt my cheeks heat, remembering our encounter last night.

The image of him staring, enraptured at the clear outline of my nipples was indelibly etched in my brain.

How am I ever going to look him in the eye again?

Well, I reasoned, I guess it's not like I haven't seen him in less.

Far less...

My face blazed like an inferno, but if he noticed, he said nothing.

Walking up to my seat, he took in my appearance, gaze searing me as he looked me up and down.

"So, do you feel like you're ready?"

I shrugged, feigning nonchalance, "Ready as I can be."

Malcolm's eyes met mine, "You'll do amazing, I know it."

"Well," I sighed, "that makes one of us."

"Have a little faith," he chided before glancing down at his watch. "Shit - I really do have to get going. I'll see you later?"

"Sure." I nodded.

"Keep your chin up and don't let them intimidate you - they're just some guys, after all."

Easy for you to say - you're an Alpha.

Opting for silence, I simply nodded again, waving goodbye as he walked outside.

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