Chapter 67

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The music began to play, and the seated crowd rose, turning toward the smiling couple slowly approaching the officiant. I stood at the front, holding back tears as I watched my sister radiating happiness, hand in hand with her equally joyous mate.

And, next to me, Ali waited, like me, to officially witness the ceremony.

"Hey," she whispered, "about yesterday..."

My eyes flickered to Malcolm, to the fine cut of his suit, thinking of the hickey-strewn wonderland that lay beneath it.

"It's fine."


The crowd began to turn, following Evie and Cora as they drew nearer to the front.

"Later." I smiled, brightly, trying not to squint as the sun began to peek past the overhead shade.

As Evie and Cora said the traditional words, announcing their mate bond to their pack and the world, I fought the urge to glance at Malcolm, imagining what it would be like when we did the same.

The ceremony itself was short - werewolf rituals tended to be. Formalities had their place, but nobody wanted to linger on them when there was food and socializing to be enjoyed.

Uproarious applause filled the arid, mountain air around us as Evie and Cora shared a kiss. Triumphant, Evie bent down and picked Cora up, carrying her back toward the venue. As the officiant and Ali went to follow them, I mouthed, "I'll be right back!" at Malcolm. My father stood next to him, watching his youngest daughter serenade her mate along with the recessional song. I savored the sight of my father's proud smile, my eyes barely registering Mom's pinched frown, looking at me like she'd just eaten a lemon, rind and all.

Inside, we went to wait in a private side room while the guests got drinks and got settled. Evie and Cora cuddled on a plush chaise as the officiant excused himself.

Taking my purse out of the corner where I'd stashed it, I pulled out my phone, finding several messages from Malcolm, a book club reminder from Josie, and a check-in from River - "How's New Mexico?"

Replying to that one first, I typed, "Good. We just finished the ceremony - I'll tell you more when we get back."

As I scrolled through Malcolm's increasingly detailed texts about how much he missed me and how much he wanted to get back to the hotel room, I didn't notice footsteps approaching.


Reflexively, I hid the screen and my unhinged, explicit reply.

Ali stood in front of me, almost succeeding at making eye contact.

"Uh, hi." I swallowed, sliding my phone back in my purse.

"So, about yesterday..."

"Don't worry, I get it-"

"No, just-" she cleared her throat, "I don't know what it is about seeing people from your past, but it just has a way of catapulting you back into your old mindsets, doesn't it?"

"Yeah," I agreed, remembering how effortlessly Mom had made me feel like a scolded child.

"I shouldn't have said that yesterday." Her words came out in a rush, followed by, "it was out of line, but..." she sighed, "I guess seeing you just transformed me back into that bitchy, petty teenager."


She looked at me, confused.

"I had a monopoly on being bitchy and petty as a teenager - there's no way you were either." I gave her a small smile, and, after a moment, she returned it.

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