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When I began this book, I knew that I wanted to tell a story about the kind of girl who is usually the villain in werewolf tales. I wanted to see if I could give her depth and humanity, and eventually have her earn the redemption that she is so often denied. I hope that I have succeeded in that, and I hope that you enjoyed following along on her journey!

I cannot begin to express how grateful I am to all of you who have stuck with this story to the end. Whenever I began to doubt myself and question my path, you were the ones who kept me going.

To those of you who picked this story up later, thank you so much! I know that it's difficult to be patient for a story in progress, so I hope that the end product was worth the wait!

And, to everyone: thank you for supporting and encouraging me on my writing journey - your votes, views and comments are more valuable and more important than you'll ever know!

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