Chapter 9

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As the car door shut behind Malcolm, he glanced up toward the porch, where Will was managing to look both bewildered and smug.

Fuck me.

Clutching the blanket closer around him, Malcolm grit his teeth and went to face his friend, feet bare against the concrete.

Walking up the steps felt like mounting the executioner's block. However, instead of a black-hooded headsman, Will's ravening curiosity awaited him.

"What the fuck?"

Leveling a rueful stare at his friend, Malcolm answered, "I really shouldn't have had that whiskey last night."

"Is – is that her? The girl you were talking about?" Glancing over Malcolm's shoulder, Will peered at the idling car. "That's the quiet chick from the Archives!"

"Yep." His answer was terse and annoyed.

Will's grin grew sly, "Did you..."

"Make a total ass of myself? Yes, I did."

He rolled his eyes. "That's not what I meant-"

"I know what you meant, and no, we didn't – I showed up on her porch, baring my soul and ass to her before passing out alone in her bed."

Suppressing a snort, Will shook his head, "Man, Casanova's got nothing on you."

"I'm about five seconds away from crawling into the deepest hole I can find."

"Well, if you want a deep hole, word has it the Callahan mine's for sale?"

Groaning, Malcolm pinched the bridge of his nose. "Don't fucking remind me."

The smirk returned. "Yesterday was one hell of a day for you, huh?"

"Yeah," Malcolm answered, "now could you let me in? I'd like to put my clothes back on so I can go home and wallow in self-pity."

Stepping back, Will opened the door, ushering Malcolm inside.

As Malcolm stalked through the living room, Will asked behind him, "What the hell are you wearing anyway?"

"The largest clothes she could find in her house; they fit like fucking body paint, so..." he gestured with a corner of the blanket.

"Oh, this just keeps getting better." Will chuckled.

"The icing on the cake is that none of her shoes could even go on my feet."

"So that's why I have to look at your nasty, bare paws?"

"Yep." Glancing around, Malcolm muttered, "Where the fuck did I leave my clothes?"

"They were on the back porch – I found them when I was trying to figure out where you disappeared to. I put them in the guest room."

"Thanks, man."

"Go change if you want – but don't you dare think about leaving; this conversation isn't even close to over."

"So, you're going to date?"

"Apparently." Malcolm muttered, furiously pressing buttons on the controller, hoping to stumble upon a combo.

"You should probably let Aiden know." Will mentioned, effortlessly handing Malcolm his ass.


"If he's got you set up with Zoë's cousin-"

Malcolm shrugged, "I guess."

"You guess?" Will glanced over, "Mal, are you serious about archivist girl or not?"

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