Chapter 66

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*CONTENT WARNING* This chapter will contain detailed descriptions of sexual activity. If you would rather not read that, then please skip from the first bolded line to the second – this will cut out the sauciest parts of the chapter while keeping the plot intact.

The keycard was tossed on the floor as the door crashed open and we stumbled inside. Clothing ripped at the seams as the restraint that had held in the lobby frayed down to its last thread and then snapped.

"The door-" I gasped in the frantic second our lips were apart.

Malcolm pressed me against the wall, devouring me as his foot reached out, kicking the wooden slab shut hard enough to rattle the hanging art.

When my dress was a ruined heap on the floor and Malcolm's shirt was beyond repair, he tried to carry me over to the bed.

"Tried," being the key word.

His feet tangled in the wreckage of our clothing, and he stumbled, managing to hit the ground ass-first with a sharp epithet.

Landing with a jolt on his chest, I leaned over him, "Are you okay?"

In a flash, Malcolm rolled so I was under him, about to tear my panties off in his rush to get me naked.

"Don't you dare!" I demanded, "I like these!"

"Fine," he growled, rolling his eyes, slowing down to coax the lace over my hips, sliding it down my legs until it came free.

"Thank you."

His eyes blazed in the dark, "Baby, we're just getting started - thank me when you mean it."

Then his mouth was on mine, hot, possessive, claiming me as his.

All the while, his hand scorched a path down my body until-

Fuck, yes-

Malcolm's fingers knew exactly where they were needed, seeking the pulsing center of my desire and beginning to tease me, stoking the fire that burned only for him.

My mate.

I purred against him, wordlessly asking for more.

He obliged, stroking me faster as shooting stars scorched across my skin.

Malcolm groaned as he tested my arousal, my hips rising up to urge him deeper.

"Fuck, Sophie-"

"Please?" I whined, desperate.

"I- I don't have the self-control-"

"I don't need your self-control; I need my mate."

The effect of my words was immediate.

Malcolm's stare riveted on mine, finding the heat, impatience and love that I could no longer hide.

His hand left me, and in the shadows, I thrilled to see him shove his half-undone pants down to his knees, releasing the erection that had been straining against the fabric since leaving the bar.

My mouth watered at the sight, but there were more pressing matters to attend to.

Settling between my legs, Malcolm gripped me by the thighs, pulling me closer as I reached between us and positioned him.

Slowly, his cock plunged in, a homecoming that I welcomed with a soft moan.

As my body eagerly accepted his, my teeth sought his lips, feral instincts filling me with a primal hunger for his taste.

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