Chapter 1

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"'...she went to the bed and drew back the curtains.'" I mimed the action, pausing for dramatic effect, "'There lay her grandmother with her cap pulled far over her face, looking very strange.'"

Looking around me, I saw a dozen pairs of wide eyes, wondering what was about to happen to the little girl in the red cape.

Turning the page revealed an illustration of a bonneted figure with a curiously long, furry face lying in a cozy bed.

God, that would be so itchy...

Turning my attention to the story, I read, "'Oh, Grandmother, what big ears you have!'"

Deepening my voice, I continued, "'The better to hear you with, my child.'"

"'But, Grandmother, what big eyes you have!'"

I paused, smirking at my small audience, "'The better to see you with, my dear.'"

Kayden, a round-faced boy in the front row listened with palpable unease.

"'Oh, but, Grandmother, what terribly large teeth you have!'"

I smiled, chuckling evilly, "'The better..." I let my voice trail off, as I leaned forward ever so slightly-


Letting loose a vicious snarl, I earned myself several high-pitched shrieks.

My story times were popular for a reason.

Continuing, I flipped the page again and read about how a conveniently armed hunter just so happened to be passing by.

That's not how it originally went...

In the first published version, the Wolf ended the tale by settling into a nice, post-meal nap.

It had been softened over the years, adding the Huntsman, saving Red and her grandmother.

More palatable, less honest.

I finished the tale, smiling despite the sickly-sweet happily-ever-after.

Waving as the children walked off with their grown-ups, I set the book aside, noticing Kayden still sitting in front of me.

He was a small child, even compared to his peers, with huge, dark eyes that seemed too serious for someone so young.

He'd shown up for a few of my story times before, and I recognized him from around the Den. He was somebody's kid, I just couldn't remember whose.

"What is it, hun?"

He frowned, forehead wrinkling with confusion, "How were they alive in the wolf's belly?"

"Well," I shrugged, "It's a fairy tale – sometimes things happen in them that don't make sense in real life."

"But how did she not see it was a wolf and not her grandma?"

Asking the tough questions, kid.

"Um... maybe she had face blindness?" I offered.

"What's that?"

"It's when you can't recognize faces."

His eyebrows shot up, "People have that?"

"Yep." I nodded. "You're right, though – the snout and fangs should have been a dead giveaway."

He smiled slightly, but then his face turned solemn.

Concern washed over me. "Kayden? What is it?"

"Why... why does the wolf always have to be the bad guy?"

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