Chapter 36

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I sat in the bath, warm from the water and the heated train of my thoughts. Back against the fiberglass as perfumed steam filled the air, I stretched like a cat in the sun.

In my mind, vivid memories took me back to this morning, to waking up with Malcolm wrapped around me, to his hands on my skin and his tongue on my-

Across the empty house, a key scraped in a lock, and I heard the back door opening.

"Sophie?" River's voice carried through the walls.

I called back, "Taking a bath."

Creaking footsteps drew closer, "Would you mind hurrying? I really need to use the bathroom."

Frowning, I asked, "What? Didn't you just come from Tom's place?"

"Well, yeah, but..."

"'But' what?"

"'But' I'm still not comfortable doing certain things around Tom."

'Certain things'?

An incredulous grin formed on my lips, "Oh my god, you still haven't-"

"No, I haven't and I'm desperate right now, so could you save the judgment for later?"


"I know, okay?"

Sitting up, I opened the drain on the tub, stepping out and wrapping myself in a towel as the water formed a miniature vortex swirling down the pipes.

Grabbing my phone off of the counter, I opened the door, stepping aside with a sweep of my free arm, "All yours."

Blessed relief washed over their features, and they muttered, "Oh, thank the Goddess-" before rushing inside, locking the door behind them.

Closing myself in my room, I dropped my towel, letting the cool air caress my damp skin. Breathing in, I caught traces of Malcolm's scent.

A sudden, aching need filled me, and I flopped on the bed, clutching the pillow he'd slept on against my bare chest.

It's just a week.

But, a voice in the back of my thoughts taunted, "A week is an eternity when your time's already limited..."

My mood plummeted, the bubble of joy bursting with a pinprick of reality.

Setting the pillow aside, I stood and walked to my closet, pulling out a pair of workout leggings and a long-sleeved top.

When my running shoes were on, I grabbed my phone and keys, stopping to knock on the bathroom door, "Hey, River? I'm gonna go for a run."

"Okay - do you want some company?"

River? Running? Voluntarily?

I bit back a laugh, "I actually want some time to think, y'know?"


"Thanks for the offer, though."

Outside, the warm sun shone overhead, a harbinger of the coming summer's heat.

With my earbuds in, I set off, following my usual route to the outskirts of town, savoring the steady drumming of my heart and the growing burn in my legs.

As paved streets gave way to gravel roads, I checked my surroundings, ensuring I was alone before I veered into the woods. A worn path of trampled grass led the way back, away from prying eyes, to a clearing in the trees.

The land was owned by a packmate, so I knew I could trust that nobody was watching as I pulled my shirt up over my head and shoved my leggings down, feeling the telltale itch that heralded the change.

Then, my phone buzzed.


Annoyed, I knelt down, digging through my pockets until I found what I was looking for.

The screen glowed bright in the shadow of the forest, and I read Malcolm's name.

Answering, I said, "Hello?"


My heart sank, and an immediate sense of dread washed over me, "Oh, no - what is it?"

"Well..." his voice trailed off, leaving me in momentary silence.

"Malcolm, what is it?"

"I... I need to ask you for a massive favor."


Suspicion rose internally, "How massive are we talking?"

I heard him take a breath, then-

"Zoe's in labor, and Aiden has to drop out of the Meeting."

My first thought blurted out of my mouth, "Is she okay?"

"The midwife says she's going to be fine, but there's no way that Aiden's going to be able to chaperone this week."

"Okay?" I said, not getting his point, "So, why are you calling me?"

Malcolm hesitated, "The etiquette for these Meetings is layered and-"


He groaned, "So, we committed to bringing three chaperones to help out, meaning we have to bring three, and there's nobody else who'd be able and willing to fill in last minute."


Disbelief dazed me, "You're asking me to go to the Meeting with you?"

"I know what it sounds like-"

His tone radiated anxiety.

Is- is he worried about me saying no?

In that instant, I knew I had to tease him.

"Malcolm," I purred, "if you wanted to spend the week with me, all you had to do was ask."

He didn't take the bait, instead swearing, "I promise, I'm not making this up, it's just an emergency."

Something in his voice sounded unfinished. Bracing myself, I asked, "...there's more, isn't there?"

"Yes," he sighed.


"Well, there weren't enough rooms in the inn for everyone to have their own - we had to have people double up-"

Oh, god.

I cut him off, knowing in my gut what he was going to say next, "Aiden was supposed to share a room with you wasn't he?"

"Yeah," Malcolm admitted.

He went on to say something, but I couldn't focus, instead imagining what a week in the same room - or even the same bed - with Malcolm would be like.

My pulse pounded in my ears as my mouth went dry.


"Sorry," I shook myself back to the present, "I missed that."

"Where are you?"

"Um," I glanced around, realizing that I was stark naked in the woods, and my voice rose to a squeak, "I was just about to go on a run."

A salacious heat infused his tone, "So, you're..."

I cut him off, "Nevermind what I am - you're asking me a favor, remember?" Clearing my throat, I tried to calm my racing heart, "So, what are you offering?"


"Well," I grinned, "if you're asking for a favor, you usually offer something in return."

"Uh," he stalled, clearly not expecting this, "anything. Anything you want - you have my word, I'm not trying to take advantage, I'll keep my hands to myself-"

A sultry chuckle escaped me, "Malcolm, what if I don't want you to?"

He took several seconds to process this, and when he spoke, his words held a dark hunger, "Then I'd be happy to oblige."

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