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Nyota had the same routine she'd had since her mother left her on earth. She roamed the forest, looking for fruits and vegetables to eat, take a swim in the river and play with her little chipmunk friend that had been by her side since she was just a girl. Time was different here, everything was different for her but she had quickly grown accustomed to it all. Her life was simple and she enjoyed the little things. She didn't want much and she surely didn't need much to keep her happy. After all for so many uncountable years she had only had herself, no one but herself and her mother many years ago.

Nyota was a creature created from pure lust and darkness, not the kind of darkness that made you want to run in the other direction to avoid trouble.


The kind that made you stay away from what lurked in the shadows. Shadows she could control at her very own will. Shadows that made you see things that forced you to question your own humanity and morals. With just one touch from her shadow, a snake that usually masked itself in the form of a moving tattoo that moved fluidly around her body it could make you wish for death above all. Nyota was powerful dangerous creature and even her mother would often tell her how much she feared her powers.

Most days she would find herself staring up at the clouds and at night she would gaze upon the stars admiring the beauty of the universe and it's constellations. She was a kind, simple woman to put it and she saw no issues with that.

Today though, would change her life forever as she sat on top of the water. Behind her was her favorite place to go whenever the days seemed slow, a waterfall. Nyota had been waiting on her little friends to come visit her, she had gotten acquainted with the land animals of the forest ranging from rabbits to bears using her powers. Once she they had gotten accustomed to her presence she stopped using her powers and let them come to her willingly. She fed them fruits and vegetables unknown to her that some of the animals that came to visit were carnivores. If she were any other person or entity of her kind they would have tore into her flesh and left her for dead.

There was a shift in the air this day, it was almost dark and dreary. A complete contrast to the bright and sunny day just mere moments ago. There wasn't a cloud in the sky but the air was no longer crisp, she could feel it in her blood that there was something off.

She tried to ignore the strange feeling in her gut, she had never felt this way before as she sat on the pond waiting for her pet chipmunk's arrival or maybe it was a squirrel.

She could never tell, her mother had taught her many things but she still lacked certain knowledge about this planet, the people and their ways. She tried every now and again to remember some of the things her mother had taught her but it was inevitable for all she had learned to stick.

The snapping of a twig breaks her out of her thoughts, she looks in the directions seeing nothing in particular. Then it happens again this time the sound coming from the opposite direction and just as she turned her head several wolves appeared before her eyes. She could never take a regular wolf no matter how hard she tried. No matter how gentle and sweet, nurturing and caring she was. They didn't seem to like her and she had no idea why. They always tried to attack her but she always got away, there had been one instance where one had gotten too close and nicked the heel of her foot.

Before she knew it her body felt strange and about time she looked up the wolf had ran off the edge of a cliff. He had committed suicide. She knew that it was because of her powers, only her mother didn't tell her it could affect the land animals. She had no idea herself after all it had only happened once and since then she had not been able to get a animal to kill itself again. She didn't like death anyways and if she had do it again it would only be if she had no choice, so she chose not to focus on the power too much.

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