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I wake up to the sounds of thunder crackling loudly in the sky and when my eyes flutter open and adjusts to the dimly room I see how truly dark it is outside.

The clouds are a dark gray clustering together and shielding the earth from the suns bright, warm rays. A tree has been ripped from its roots and the wind is howling. It looked so dreary outside and the rain didn't look like it was going to let up anytime soon.

Tearing my eyes away from the window I watch Adonis comes out of the bathroom with a phone in his hand. "... yeah it's supposed to flood, possible tornado." He nods his head as if the person in the other line can see him. His dark brown eyes glances back at me annoyed that I'm still in his bed.

I wasn't feeling too scared anymore, my racing heart had calmed since last night. The reminder that the ripples of goosebumps that rose the small hairs on my neck seemed to cocoon me to sleep when Adonis pulled me close. I wanted to be excited, to think that his display of affections while he slept mean something... anything but I know it didn't. Adonis isn't the kind of man to show affection and no matter how different his actions of last night were I knew he didn't meant too.

I chew on my bottom lip while he paces the room, running his hands through his wavy hair that curled near his forehead. His pink lips are downturned and he doesn't look happy. His eyes are shifting wildly as if he could see through the mist of the rain or the fog that's covered the forest floor.

"As long as everyone has everything they need no one is to step foot outside." He pauses for a moment gently tugging at his beard, forehead creasing in heavy thought. "It's far too dangerous we don't need anyone dying."

I shift wiggling my toes, noticing the white nail polish cracking.

"I doubt anyone's going to try something with us, the weathers too bad and with us knowing the terrain we'll still have the advantage." I peek back up at Adonis his back completely to me. "If anything happens mind link me." He ends the call, turns to me and leans against the window.

He doesn't say anything instead he watches me his cold, calculating eyes seemingly burns a hole in my skin and makes me feel nervous. So full of distrust and disgust that it makes my shadow slithers around my ankle fast. I could never tell what he was thinking and I wondered for a moment if he thought about last night.

I don't know what to say and I'm not sure if I should leave. I knew he didn't want me around and last night was probably a mistake to him. Of course he didn't want to hold me or touch me until he did, but it didn't matter. It seems like he likes Paola far more than he does me. He speaks to her, allows her to touch him freely and it makes me jealous. But how could I be when Paola had him first, threatening her was wrong and even though my heart was wounded I won't stop her from seeing him.

"Can I leave?" I bite my bottom lip feeling my nerves rocket over the moon when I realize we've both been staring at each for far too long.

He nods tearing his eyes from me.

The thunders dies down about time I take another shower and slip into a oversized white Sherpa sweater and panties. After I pull up my fluffy gray socks I get up and peek my head out into the hallway. Adonis's door is shut meaning he hasn't left out of there since I came to my room.

I slip out the door closing it behind me softly and pad down the stairs. I enter the kitchen and take a peek inside of the refrigerator, I don't find anything in there appetizing, I wasn't a fan of meat and that's all Adonis seemed to have.

I close the door and rummage through the cabinets and when I find nothing there I settle for hot chocolate.

Entering the living room I plop down on the couch and search the big magical box for something to watch. Something to take my mind off things.

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