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I had spent much of my time outside watching the other members of the pack move about and chat with each other. I couldn't deny the fact that a lot of them scared me. The group was massive and rowdy and on more than one occasion did I was watch a fight break out. They always end up with someone either half dead or beaten until they were unrecognizable.

I remember hearing someone say a lot of the rouge wolves here needed to get out all of their pent up anger. A lot of the people here seemed to have unresolved anger and most of them thrived on it. I could easily call it unsafe if it wasn't for the fact that most of pack did in fact look out for each other. It just seemed as though fighting was in their nature.

It was confusing though, I figured most would prefer peace rather than conflict but it seemed to work out perfectly.

After the last fight broke out, the two men who had been fighting in their wolf form were pulled away from each other. The winner proudly walked towards the pack house while the other is helped towards the medical center.

A shiver racks my body when I see how bad the other guy is beaten. Half of his face is swollen and his lip had been split right open. Just thinking about it makes me sick but the moment a few of the children began to surround me all those bad thoughts left my mind. Some shied away while the others played with my hair. And then the boys join trying to get the girls attention by asking them if they wanted to play tag.

The girls rejected the idea of playing with the boys until I said I would like to join in on the fun. The next thing I know I am running around the front of the pack house with a dozen or so kids squealing and screaming in joy.

By the fifth game I was no match for their stamina and decided to sit out for the rest of the game. I couldn't help but watch them play thinking about how adorable they looked.

"Nyota!" Someone calls out my name.

I turn my head, a big smile on my face as one of the flowers Junie had placed behind my ear falls from its spot. "Oh, hi Jett! It's been a while since I've seen you."

"It has hasn't it." Jett says thoughtfully once he's standing in front of me. "I've been busy with work, I don't get to have as much fun as you do now and days."

"Why is that?"

"Pack business." He shrugs jutting his hand out for me to take. "Alpha Adonis wants me to take you to the doctors office for a check up."

I take his hand and balance myself on my aching feet. "For what, I'm not feeling ill if he's worried."

"Not that it's just that..." Jett pauses for a moment placing a hand on his neck. "We're moving all of your stuff into his house until further notice."

I curl my toes into the grass feeling quite nervous. Why would Alpha Adonis want me to stay in his home if he didn't like me? He's been avoiding me or at least that's what Zara thinks. He won't talk to me and every time I ask for him he's too busy for me. I knew that he spent most of his time in meetings or conducting pack business' but when he wasn't doing that he was either in his office or in his home.

And the last place I wanted to go was to Adonis's house. I haven't spoken to him since he rejected me, I have been feeling ashamed and embarrassed for myself since. I couldn't let a man make me feel so weak when my people once worships the ground us women walked on.

"Why am I moving into his house?" I ask curiously.

"It's more so for you safety, we've found something and since you're his mate he wants to ensure your safety.

I smile, "I can assure you that no one is a threat to me."

"Yeah, I want to believe that but I promise you that there is always someone far more stronger than you."

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