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Zara had come by my assigned room for three nights in a row teaching me all I needed to know. About humans, vampires, werewolves and all the other supernatural creatures that roamed this realm and the others. She had also taught me all about the earth realms culture, many of the technologies they had and what was deemed socially acceptable. It was a lot to remember but I had so many questions that by the time we'd finished talking each day, nightfall began to take notice.

To keep up with all of my teaching Zara brought me a notebook where I could jot down notes of my learnings. When I first wrote in the book she asked me what language I was writing in. I found it funny when I told her it was in Enochian and she made a face. She had never heard of the language before.

By day four I hadn't seen too much progress with the pack gaining my trust but I did manage to make a few friends. There was Faye a beautiful brown colored woman with loose curls and mysterious dark brown eyes. She was one of the first people to talk to me in a kind and friendly manner. I adored her confidence and the skills that she possessed allowing her to become one of the best pack warriors. Then there was Dylan a handsome pink colored man with dirty blonde hair and piercing green eyes. He was funny and anytime I was around him he always managed to make me laugh. Meeting the two of them made me feel a bit more comfortable with staying here but I missed my furry friends and for some reason I was also missing my mother a lot lately. Every so often she used to pop in my head and whisper words of encouragement to me. Telling me how to properly live my life alone and away from civilization. Or how I was the light of her life and that one day when the war was over she'd come back and take me home.

That was thousands of years ago and since then I haven't heard a word from her.

Her intentions was to never have me found, I was a danger to the world and so was my life.

On day five I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on my door bright and early. I wasn't sure who it was, most people didn't bother me. The men did watch me a lot but most of them were told to stay away from me, I wasn't too sure why. They seemed to loyal and remained under Adonis's command that they kept their distance.

Zara would often times take me with her to do her duties as a betas wife and the two friends I had would only come to see me at night. They patrolled the east side of Titan's borders during the day and didn't get off until it was time to switch.

Pushing my naturally blonde afro out of my face I slide off of my bed, my feet padding against the floor as I walk over and open my bedroom door. A man with smooth dark skin and short wavy black hair stands just outside of my room looking down at me. I had noticed that nearly all of the men here were massively tall and muscular. I chalked it up to them constantly training which is exactly what he was coming here for.


I smile, "hi. Is there something you need?" I ask poking my head out of my room to peek down the hall.

"Yes, Alpha Adonis had requested your presence on the training grounds in twenty minutes. He wants you to begin training with the rest of us. You will be initiated into the pack soon and training is required." The man's voice is void of any emotion and his gaze is pointed away from me.

"Ok. I'll be down there shortly." I nod my head.

"Here." He says handing me a pair of clothes. "Zara told me to bring these to you until we can get you some clothes of your own."

I take them my smile deepening from the kind gesture. "Thank you."

The man nods his head once and just like that he turns around and walks away leaving me to it.

I sit the clothes down and quickly go into my bathroom to shower. When I'm done I brush my teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste. I used to clean my mouth with a special kind of bark but Zara had taught me that using toothpaste makes my breath smell minty. I like it, it made my mouth feel fresh and clean.

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