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"Are you sure?" Nyota gives me a weary look as we travel through the forest alone together. She was scared about doing the meditation circle again. Last time we did it she seized up, her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she slowly began to foam at the mouth.

The only reason why her body reacted that way was because she was scared of something. Maybe herself, perhaps her powers but it was something she feared that was causing her to hold back and whenever that happened you grew weaker during your meditation state.

Everyone's experience was different in the circle, some were over encumbered by their guilt, their demons and fears. While others went mad and lost all control sending their souls into a dark hellish place.

I knew that doing the meditation circle again was risky but if she was able to pull herself out at the very last second that means she was strong enough to endure whatever it was holding her back.

"You'll be fine," I glance back at her. "I'll guide you through it this time."

Nyota nods, her fingers linking together anxiously as she tried her best to keep up with my long stride. She's overthinking and doing so won't help her in the long run.

So I give her some reassurance, "I'll be there the entire time. The moment I sense your energy off I'll pull you out but for now I need you to be relax and as comfortable as possible."

She looks up at me her eyes softening when she sends me a sweet smile. "I really appreciate the kind gesture."

I never really realized until now but her fucking beauty is mesmerizing. Everything about her was so angelic and soft. She was the furthest thing that was opposite of me.

Like light and darkness bound together by the wills of our Gods.

"Come on." I tug her along towards the river. "I have to head off to work in a couple of hours."

She nods her head and looks up at me curiously. "You work a lot you know."

"I know."

"Do you ever... I don't know take time off, enjoy your life? Have fun like the rest of your pack." Nyota peers up at me waiting for an answer.

"I sacrifice-" I pause when I sense something off, like there are a million eyes on us, watching us discretely. "Get behind me." I mummer pushing her back.

"What's wrong?" Nyota gently tugs on my shirt as the silence of the forest overtakes the both of us. We were at the edge of my packs borders and someone was fucking with me. Either that or they wanted the blonde haired girl trailing closely behind me.

I can faintly hear the pitter patter of claws digging through the soft dirt as they surround the two of us.

Those fucking wolves were here and they were after Nyota. They wanted her for someone reason and right low I could smell her scent coming from them. It was infuriating Cain, making us both go mad.

How the fuck were the able to obtain her scent if she's been on my land for weeks? I had been watching the girl closely and knew that she hadn't been trying to fuck me over. It gave me some kind of reassurance that Nyota was exactly who she said she was.


The strange black girl with a big blonde afro that had been wandering the forest by herself for years. She claimed she had been alone for some time now and when I found she was just that.

There's at least ten wolves circling around us, their teeth bared back snarling at us. I couldn't get a read on their scents either, it was like it had been covered. Possibly from a spell casted by a witch, that was the only explanation as to why they didn't reek.

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