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A/N: Unedited. The only reason I am posting this chapter is because it's been sitting here collecting dust. Whenever this books comes off of hiatus this chapter will be edited, with more detail.

Adonis sleeps for thirty one hours straight and during that time I watch after the cave. I sit in front of the entrance, just behind the waterfall wondering if anyone was looking for us. I don't know my way back to the pack house, my fault for not remembering and even if I did Adonis is far too weak to walk that far.

I grow worrisome with each passing second as he sleeps, waiting for his eyes to open, for him to speak to me, for him to tell me everything going to be ok. I only glance back at him a few times in search of the soft rise of his chest. A small indication that he is still breathing and when the hour passes I get up and press a hand to his skin to check his temperature.

He was burning up throughout the night and I believe I was able to break his temperature with an hourly cold compress. He groans quietly in contentment whenever he feels the trickle of the cool water along his skin.

When the first day passed he became too cool and because he's too heavy for me to carry in my weakened state I opt in starting a fire instead of laying him near the spring.

I continue on with my watch, my fingers gently brushing against my skin to pet a slithering Recia. She is worried about our mate, I can feel it whenever she races down my back. I cannot comfort her because she knows I feel the same.

I'm scared that my petal did not work and that he may in fact be slowly dying. I don't want that to happen, I don't want to be alone again.

When the sun finally rises I check on Adonis, making sure to keep him just warm enough so that he doesn't overheat. When all is well I scour the forest picking from many types of fruits and vegetables that grow from the earth.

I still worry for Adonis even when I gather us food. I know he eats meat but I refuse to kill an animal. They are my friends and seeing them hurt makes me feel terribly sad.

When I return to the cave Adonis is still sleep. I sit the fruit down and give him water from my mouth. He still doesn't wake but he swallows what he can. I clean him up before I begin washing off the fruit for consumption. I eat half and leave the rest for him just in case, if too much time passes I'll eat the rest before it rots and go out for more later.

I sit at the edge of the cave again, waiting and watching. Wondering if the pack is ok and if rogues we had to fight we're still looking for us. The night encompasses us and eventually the moon comes out settling just above the cave. The light shines down on the hot spring causing it to glimmer prettily like diamonds.

The color of the water was unlike anything I had ever seen before. At night it glows in the dark a pretty mix of sparkly green and blue.

I turn my head to stare at it and then down at my clothes. My top has ripped and there's a cut on my tights. I'm practically covered in dirt and I haven't bathed in fear of the rouges finding us. It's been a day and a half so I decide I'll bathe while Adonis sleeps.

I get up and grab the duffle bag I was able to snag before I teleported here and fumble with the zipper. Once I get it open I dig inside for the extra pair of clothes Adonis packed. Just a shirt that smells like him and some sweats that's are far too big for me. They are the clothes he packed since he planned to take Cain on a run after meditation.

I take the t shirt and lay it on the furs before I strip of my clothes and grab the soap I had left behind in my cave.

Stepping into the spring a soft sigh leaves my lips. My sore muscles find relief as I relax in the warm water.

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