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Zara made me watch her help the cooks prepare a dinner for the pack. When I had attempted to help I had almost burned the entire kitchen down. I had no idea of what I was doing and even though I told Zara this, she still forced me to cook. I had never used oil before nor had I ever cooked meat. The stench of meat itself already had me feeling unwell and when I expressed this to several cooks they all ignored me.

I had the feeling that none of them trusted me. Mama told me that this would happen when I met humans. They were hardwired to be naturally distrustful especially of me, I was a stranger to them. I tried to help wherever I could but it didn't take long for a 'grease fire' to breakout once I had gotten on the stove.

I felt terrible and offered to help somewhere else that didn't involve food but Zara would not let me out of her sight. I told her that I could help the others put shirts on since Adonis had taught me how to do so. I had noticed so that many of the people here walked around the house naked. Instead Zara laughed at me and made me sit once the additional cooks came in and helped clean up the mess I had made.

Speaking of Adonis I was curious of his whereabouts. For some reason there was a large part of me that felt the need to be under him. I knew he was not very fond of me, I had no idea why. I tried to be a very kind and gentle person to him. I was curious about him just as much as I was curious about the rest of the people that stayed on his land.

Could they all turn into wolves too? Did some of the others come with a flaming tail and ears? I wanted to know more about these people as mama had never spoken about them before. Or maybe just by some mishap she had forgotten to tell me that they could shapeshift into other animals.

"Zara?" I say watching as she moved around the kitchen, a place I had never seen before. I found it amazing how they had created such... technology as Zara called it, to help them make and cook food faster. Or how they had devices that would chill or freeze left overs so that it wouldn't rot after a few hours of sitting out.

They also had these things called tvs with tiny people, animals, plants and homes similar to the um... pack house, as Adonis called it, stuck inside of them. I wondered how they were able to capture so many of these things and stuff them into a box that wasn't very big. Maybe it was magic but who knows.

"Yes?" She looks me with a not so friendly face but I do not take it personally. Mama taught me better than that, I must first gain their trust. As I am sure they will come around.

"Is it ok if I go see Adonis?"

Some of the cooks stops what they are doing and looks at me, their faces laced in concern. Was I in trouble? "You are not allowed to call the Alpha by his first name. You must always refer to him as Alpha Adonis when speaking to or about him." Her voice is stern as she mixed a bowl of something soft. I had no idea of what it was so I watch curiously as I spoke.

"I'm sorry, is it ok if I go visit Alpha Adonis?"

"I'm afraid not, he's terribly busy and doesn't have time for you. When he wants to see you he will call for you."

I nod my head though I am saddened by the news. I could not see the half man half beast and it made my heart hurt. "Ok, well I would like to be of some use. Can I help?" I ask again.

"No!" A few cooks shout out in unison causing my cheeks to heat up. I didn't not meant to be that bad of a cook.

"If you want to help you can wash the dishes as we go." She says pointing to what I learned was a sink filled with warm water, bubbles and dirty dishes.

I smile happily ready to help where I could. "That would be perfect." I get up and walk towards the sink hating how the new clothes Zara had provided for me felt. I was wearing another shirt, one that was smaller this time and jeans? I believe the name was called.

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