Chapter 3

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They all looked at him, confused because they seriously did not know what he was about to tell them. Esme when to him and put her hand on his shoulder, " You can tell you anything, just tell us."

Stephen looked towards Edythe. She met his gaze, " You can do this; just breath, okay." she smiled.

Now they all were lost because apparently, Edythe knew what it was about; Carlisle's eye went to Edythe, "Edythe, what is this about?" she looked and Stephen, " You got this." she then looked at Carlisle, "It is his story to tell just let him."

Stephen took a deep breath, grabbed his computer mouse and keyboard, and turned the screen towards them, and then he started to go into his files and decrypt them. He went to the last file and looked and them, " Look," they all gathered around more then he clicked on the folder. Then crossed the screen; five folders were there. They all took a second and then saw the last folder Labeled " Vegetarian Vampires (Cullens); he looked at them with a sad expression and then right-clicked on the files and when to the properties and showed when the folder was created. They looked at the date. It was the day they had to meet each other. Carlisle looked at with a shocking look and worried, " How did you find out about this."

Stephen looked down at his chest and spoke softly, " Well, it's some of y'all response to the question I asked and your skin and eye color..." Carlisle interrupted, " No, I mean about this world, Vampire and Shapeshifter."

Stephen lost his words and thought to himself.

'That's what he means. He is not worried I know they are vampires.'

At that moment, Edythe started to chuckle, and Esme and Carlisle looked, and she and Carlisle wondered why she was laughing," What's so funny, Edythe? Come on, share with the family."

It took her a few seconds to stop laughing, " He is confused about why you are not worried or mad about him knowing that we are vampires."

They all looked at Stephen, who was still looking down, then Esme put her arms around him, "Sweetie, we don't care that you know about you. What does worries us is that you know about the Volturi, how did you find out about them." she asked.

Stephen's mood got a little better. He looked at Jasper, "Thanks, Jasper." They were shocked he knew about his ability. Jasper responded, No problem, but how do you know?"

Stephen went into the Cullens file and went to each folder on each member, and only Carlisle and Jasper had stuff in. Carlisle looked into it and asked Stephen, "How did you find information on me?"

Stephen twiddled his fingers, " I read about you; when I was researching the Volturi members, your name showed up a few times; I found only books from different eras talking about the Volturi and saw your name mentioned not much, but it was there." he looked towards Jasper, " Your human life was a little bit more interesting I even found an old confederate photo of you during my search, there were books about all the generals and major of both sides of the civil war your name was mentioned, and they talked about how you were very charismatic, and help people get their emotions in check during battle, so I to a hunch and figured you ability was Pathokinesis, and when I was about to tell my story about my family my sadness about thinking about it changed."

They were very impressed with how much he had dug about the member he could. Stephen looked at everyone, " The rest of you all I couldn't find much about. I learn some of yalls stories as a human, but not every detail. Alice was the only one who I couldn't find anything. It was like she never existed on paper."

Alice looked at him sadly but then swapped, sticking her tongue out, " Don't worry, Stephen; I don't even remember my human life; all I remember was waking up as a vampire." That response saddened Stephen. He looked at everyone, " I hope you don't think it is weird. I just wanted to know y'alls stories and everyone, honestly.

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