BM:B2 Chapter 2

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(E is based on my actual best friend/ Brother; everything is like him down to the photo I used. I got permission from him to add him; he just told me to make sure I keep true to his authentic self lol)

I have not seen my best friend, my brother, in almost two years.

My brother E stood at 5'10, with tan skin (He is white, but he works a lot, so hence his tan tone), black hair, brown eyes, Blacklight facial hair around his chin, and sideburns and stash; he wore glass. He had a hat worn backward, short sleeve hoodie, and ripped jeans with steel-toe boots.

 He had a hat worn backward, short sleeve hoodie, and ripped jeans with steel-toe boots

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He just looked at me; he had two bags over his shoulder, looking at me up and down. I could hear the rest of the family approach.

"Jesus Stevie, what the fuck happened to you."

I could hear my family muttering, 'Stevie?'

"Why did he call you Stevie" Mom asked

"Ohh, I went by Stevie instead of Stephen." I told her, and I turned back to E, "It's Drakul but Drac for short now, bud; it happens when you fake your death."

E laughed, "Drakul, really, so your fucking Dracula now." he said, laughing.

"Yeah, I know. I thought it was funny."

After he stopped laughing, "No man, what I meant was you look like a fucking cyborg man, like shit." he said

"Yeah, it's a long story; come on in."

Dad and Mom came up and introduced themselves, then my other siblings.

"So, do we need to get fake adoption papers, too," Dad asked

E chuckled at this, "No, I went through the process of emancipating myself." he said, "I also went and got my GED too, fucking glad too. I hate school."

Emmett snickered," I feel that, man; it gets boring after the first ten times."

"I bet big one," E said

Fuck, even Rose came up and fucking talked to him.

"So I heard from Drac that you build cars, too," Rose said

"Ohh yeah, I worked on his dad's Camaro; speaking of Camaro, is that one yours?" E asked

"Yup, everyone got it as a birthday gift, Rose helped tinker on it, and now it roars like a lion."

"Shit man, you gonna let me get behind the wheel," E said

"All in due time, man; we got to show you to your room," I said

"Room?" E said

"Yeah, Mom and everyone else build you a room. Come on, I'll show you," I said

E followed me around the house; I showed him around each room. We talked a bit; I told him that Mom makes excellent food. I told him if Alice tries to cook for you, don't eat it, she doesn't cook the best, but if you need clothes advice, she is your woman. We stopped at his room, and I just opened it, and he walked in.

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