Chapter 5

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(Author Note) I hope you all enjoy these three chapters. I will not be posted for at least two days because I will work on the following few chapters. I am posting three because they are filler untell "Twilight" starts, and I need some time to storyboard the next few chapters.

(Inter monologue)

'A few days had passed since my presence was known to the town of Forks. The people were very nice. I found out that Carlisle and Charlie had a pretty good relationship. They weren't like best friends who had barbeques on the weekend. Still, from what Edythe told me, the Chief loved the family mainly because, in his eyes, the kids were well-behaved and didn't cause problems, and Carlisle would work in a small town like this because he could be working in a different hospital making much more money. We also got some of my school stuff in order. I know I don't need to go to high school, but I want to be a kid again for a little bit, and who knows, this might help me get out of my shell a little more.'


Drakul lay in his bed, rubbed his eye, grabbed his hand, and moved his fingers a little bit. He maneuvered himself into his chair and looked at the calendar on September 22, 2005. Drakul didn't tell the Cullens about his birthday mainly because he didn't care about it.

"Another year closer to death for us mortals," he said

Alice barged into him with a confetti popper; she pulled the string. " Happy Birthday Drakul!!!!" She looked back at Drakul, looking petrified from shock. Carlisle walked behind her and playful hit her head," Relax, Alice, your going to give the poor boy a heart attack." he grinned

'How the hell did... Edythe.' his eye went to Edythe


Edythe laughed at him

At this point, Alice grabbed his chair and brought him to the Living Room, which was decorated a lot. Esme walked up to him, " Yah, you can never hold Alice back when there is something to celebrate." she smiled.

After everyone was in the Living Room, they started to hand out gifts, mostly money for him to build new machines, but then he got to Rose and Emmett's gift; it was a small box that he shook. He opened the box, and it was a key. Drakul looked at them with confusion.

Emmett smirked," It's parked out front."

Drakuls eye widened. He had lost both of his vehicles when he used Protocel 66; even though he couldn't drive them, he could work on whatever they got him. They took him outside, and a 1969 SS Camaro was parked in the driveway the same color as his father's, a midnight purple. He looked at Rose and gave her a big hug.

Emmett scratched his head," So... how were you able to drive anyway since you weren't legal age."

Drakul spoke," Some states let you get them earlier with reason, like my family got killed and I could support myself, so they let me drive to get to stores and jobs, but that's all I need it for either way. "

"But the bike it had to be heavy for you?" he asked

"Not when it was lightweight, and I modded the hell out of it. I replaced some parts with 3-D parts to lighten the load."

"Well, that's true; I guess that would make sense, especially since you weigh about the same size as a toothpick."

Drakul looked around the vehicle, and Rose followed him," Well, what do you think? I thought we could work on the vehicle and tell you build leg prosthetics, and then we can take it out and let it lose on the road."

"Thank you, Rose. I love it!" he said, and she gave him a hug

Emmett looked over and put his hands out, "What about me? We both got you the car."

I used my hand to shush him, "You went along with Rose, you have no idea about cars, but if it makes you feel better, I'll give you a pity hug."

They all laughed at this response, and I rolled to Emmett and gave him a hug, and told him to thank you.

We all went back inside, and I ate the cake that Esme had made. It wasn't a huge cake since you know they don't eat human food. After I ate, some of us went to the Living Room, watched a movie, and played board games.


Right as I was going to bed, Carlisle reminded me that I was going to school tomorrow and to be ready. Alice and I went through my closet to get an outfit for tomorrow, well, Alice picked the outfit, and I just nodded. Afterward, Alice left, and I brushed my teeth and went to bed.

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