BM:B3 Chapter 2

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'So, I am glad I will be spending my time in Volterra because I don't think I could sit here and do graduation over and over once I become a vampire.'

"Hey, Drake, what will you do now that you graduated?" Angela asked

"Ohh,  I will stay in Italy for a while, with some family," I said

"Ohh, I would love to go to Italy; it's gorgeous," Angela said

"Well, if you are ever in Volterra, let me know; my family will treat you like family," I said

Angela and I talked for a while untell Jessica got up and did her speech; it was boring as hell; I kept standing here just listening to people's names being called. I heard Beau's name being called and saw Bonnie, Charlie, Mom, and Dad standing and clapping.

"Drac Cullen" 

I heard my name and walked forward; I shook hands with my principal, got my picture, walked down the steps, and took a seat.

'Yeah, another diploma, but this one won't mean shit.' 


When everyone got done, Beau and I met up and went to find our family; we found my Father and Mother(A) first.

"Congratulations, my Figlio,"  He said

"Thank you, Padre."

Father walked over to Beau and hugged him, "Congratulations, Beau, I am proud of both of you." 

Afterward, we walked together to find everyone else; we went to the parking lot, and Jane ran up to me and kissed me on the cheek; she interlocked my arm, and we walked over to the rest of the family. Everyone agreed to meet back up at the house and have a little party before I left.


Jane and I were heading back to the house; we sat there talking a bit about my surgery.

 "tesoro, what if the legs don't accept the venom? What is your plan then?"

"Well, Love, if the legs don't accept, then I guess I will be the first Vampire to have prosthetics; I have to become a vampire regardless, my prosthetics are as durable as a vampire, so I am not worried about that."

"I guess your right."


"Jesus, did they invite the entire Rez," I said, hoping out of my vehicle.

"You have to remember. Didyme and Esme love to cook, so the more people, the more enjoyment they have."  

We entered the house, and sure enough, half the Rez was there, well, the ones that know at least. I greeted everyone and told them I needed to pack but then would be out to hang out with everyone. 

I pack some clothes, a couple of bottles of blood supplements, my cane, and a few odds and ends.

I ended up hanging out with Seth and a few pack members; they were still shocked that I was the one who gave Bonnie the serums for her legs. 

"So, how did you know the serum would work?" Seth asked

"Well, you see Jane?" 

"Yeah, your Mate?"

"She didn't look like that when I first met her."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I made a serum that made her half-vampire and half-human and added growth hormones and a few other things. But the point it the serum I made for her let her age by a year each time she took them. It's not hard once you get around the science of it."

"Wow, dude, you are damn cool."

E walked by and gave me a human slap to the shoulder, "Yeah, he is a real damn einstein."


The night had settled most of the Rez had left; it was just Bonnie, Julie, and Sam. We were all just chatting and relaxing. Alice, Seth, and I were talking about random topics when Alice froze and blanked out.

I got up, "Alice, are you okay?"

Jasper got up and sped to her; Dad turned his attention to her, "Alice, what's changed?" He asked

"The Newborn army is coming here, Not Seattle."

Bonnie stood up, "What damn army."

Dad then explained the situation; Bonnie turned to me and then to Alice, "How long do we have?"

"We have about Eight days."

She turned to me, "You will be in Italy by then, so what will we do."

Jasper stood up, " we will train; I have fought their kind before; I can train y'all."

"I will talk to the pack; then we can set a time to meet to train," Sam said 


I had put my bags in the vehicle; I entered the house to hear Father's conversations with Dad.

"As soon we are done helping our son, we will send the guard to assist."

"I appreciate that. We should be good with the pack. The newborns won't know of them yet."

I interjected, "I will also come to fight as long as we get done."

I hugged everyone and said goodbye, e came walking over. 

"Hey, you got this; everything will work out." He said 

"Ohh, I know it will; hold done the fort, bud."


(E's P.O.V)

I watched Stevie leave; my love came up to me, "He will be fine, trust me; Marcus and I have run every test everything will go right."

"I am not worried if it goes bad, I am worried about what Stevie will do to fix it if it goes bad."

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