BM:B3 Chapter 4

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We are all standing in a clearing in the woods, our cousins have made it here, and the Pack will join us in about 20 minutes.

Eleazar approaches me, "It's good to see you, my king." He bowed his head a bit.

'I hate this treatment; I have never met Eleazar before.'

I glanced over to Laurent and Garrett, who were staring at me; I raised my eyebrow at them. They turned back to their mates.

Carlisle walked over to me as well, then looked to Eleazar," Good to see you again, Eleazar; just to let you know E doesn't like to be treated like a king, I will take it that Garrett and Laurent told you to do that."

Eleazar looked back at the two, then turned back to me, "Yes, they did."

I chuckled, "Yeah, those two can get on me and Stevie's nerves, but it is what it is."

I took my hand out to shake Eleazar's hand," It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Likewise, E, right?"

"Yup, short for Ephraim, but that's what I go by; Stevie started to call me that when we first met."

Eleazar, Carlisle, and I talked for a bit, waiting for the Pack to join us.

"So, E, I could help it, but you have an amazing gift, the wide range of what you can use it for are endless."

"What? How can you tell," I said

"Eleazar can look at someone, and by concentrating, he can get a general sense of what your ability is," Carlisle said

"Wow, that is amazing."

"Yup, I used to be with the guard, did you know?"

"Really, I am shocked they let you go with your gift."

"Ohh, this was after Aro and Caius were gone; once those two were gone, the Volturi rebuilt itself on a much better ruling."

While we talked, the Pack started to show up; they brought their imprints with them; some were male, and some were female. The imprints more or less just set up an area for them to watch the training, they also brought food for the Pack, and Esme cooked food for them before we left. Bonnie had also set up next to us. She leaned over to me.

"Any word on Drake?"

"Athena called me this morning. They are preparing everything and getting it set up. With how they are doing it, he will have so many drugs pumping through him before the bit that he won't feel anything."

Bonnie smiled, "That's good to hear; he is a good kid, I heard from Marcus that pain is unbearable."

Carlisle got to the front, and they started to talk; some of the Pack asked questions about what New-Borns are.

"New-Born are a great deal stronger than us because their own blood lingers in their tissues. Our kind is never more physically powerful than our first several  months of this life." Carlisle said

Jasper continued where Carlisle ended, 'Carlisle is Right; that's why they are created for armies."

(By adding an extra l, Quil becomes Quill, and that's the female version, lol)

Quill raised his hand.

"Quill put your arm down. This isn't graded school. Just ask your questions." I said chuckling 

Quill put his hand down, "How many vampires constitute an army?" Said nervous now

"Army is an expression for a large number of new-borns. The good news is, they are not in the thousands, like a human army. The bad news is no human army could stand against them, But they're untrained, and their thirst will make them wild/ Volatile. That can work in our favor."

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