BM:B2 Chapter 7

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(Entry 567)

The past few months have been mundane, to say at least. After Beau's birthday, we didn't have that many problems here. e and I went to the Rez for Thanksgiving to spend time with Bonnie and the rest; Charles and Beau came down too, which was nice. Our cousins from Denali came to have Christmas with us; I got to see Laurent and Garrett again. They are doing good, Garrett and Laurent are both on my blood supplement, and honestly, they are doing much better now. When they are together, they annoy me and E like hell with that prince and king shit. We have been just relaxing for the last few months. We have been hearing whispers of Victoria, but to be honest, I am not worried about her.

Yes, she and James made me who I am, but I am not worried about her. I mean, I fucked her up pretty bad. Later this year, I will graduate, then E and I will move to Volterra. For now, I am going to take one day at a time.


I backed away from my computer and saved my entry. It has been a long time since I wrote one.

I hear my door open, "Are you coming to join the group, Stevie." E said

I look at him, "Yeah, just give me a bit to get ready, and I'll be out."

E nods at me and then closes my door.

'Today we are doing, I guess, like a family night with the swans and all of us, Charlies even coming over too, I guess Mom is going to cook for us humans, and we are going to watch movies and play games all day.'


(Time Skip to us enjoying the night. Mainly because I am lazy and don't want to write that part.)

We are watching a movie and hear a knock on the front door.

Charlie from the kitchen, "I got it. I am already up."

I see Charlie leaving the kitchen and then to the front door; all I can hear is Charlie asking who they are.

"Hey, does anyone know a girl with blond hair and red eyes" when Charlie said that, we all got up and rushed to the front door? When I arrived, everyone looked white as a sheet, more white than usual. Everyone else got there soon than I did. Mainly I had to put my legs back on, more comfortable on the sofa. Was it who I think it was?"


(Time skip to the family talking)

"So Alice, how did you not see this happening?" E asked

"Well, Charlie hangs out with the Quileute a lot, so their scent is always on him, and I can't see people's future right if they have contact with the Quileute tribe."

While everyone was talking, my phone went off, "Give me a second got a call."

I left and went into my room; I answered the call.

"Hello, Father."

"Hello, Figlio. I assume you know what this call is about."

"Yes, I figured, and why did Jane come without letting us know."

"Well, technically, she let Bonnie know so she could go through their land; why didn't you tell us that two other humans know of use?"

"Well, one of them is mated to one of the Cullen, and the other, I gave them the necklace with the crest so other vampires won't mess with him."

"That is understanding, but you should have told us; you know what has to happen correctly."

"Yes, Padre, I'll see you in a few."

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