Chapter 7

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(Author Note) These are the book description of the Denali Coven so that you all know.

Drakul was sitting in the Living Room at his house with bags packed, only Rose and Esme was still at home grabbing a few last-minute items before they all entered Edythe's car. Esme turns to him," You ready to meet your cousins?" I nodded in agreement

Rose turns to him, "You will be alright they are like us, and we thought it would be fun to celebrate Christmas with them."

"Do vampires even celebrate Christmas?" I asked

Rose whispered, "You do when Alice is here."

The other Cullens were already there; they left earlier to set up a few things. The trip was very long; it was about a two-day journey from Forks to Denali, Alaska. Drakul spent most of the time sleeping and chatting; once they got to Alaska, Drakul was in love with the snow and trees; Rose watched him as he looked out the windows, and Rose and Esme just smiled at each other.

When we arrived, we were met by their cousins waiting outside, four females and a man. When I reached them, they all introduced themselves.


' The man's name was Eleazar, 5'11, with Dark brown hair and the same eyes as Cullens. His mate Carmen was 5'5, with Dark brown hair. Rose told me he could identify people's abilities by meeting them.

The leader of the coven was Tanya; she was 5'5 and had Strawberry blond hair. Her other sister Kate is 5'6 and has pale blond hair; her ability is called psychic electrokinesis. The last sister's name was Irina, 5'2, and had pale blond hair.'

The funny thing I learned on their way here was that the Denali sister were the originators of the succubus myth. I told Rose on the trip here that, as I said, there are truths to myths.


When they were done speaking, Esme introduced me, " Nice to see you guys again." She went up to Tanya and hugged her and then to everyone. "This is Drakul and the newest member of our family," She said while looking at me.

Eleazer smiled, "So Dracula, huh." he said in my direction

"I thought it would be funny, but I enjoy the name," I said

They all laughed; Esme took me inside, where the rest of the family was. Emmett watched some sport, and Alice and Jasper cuddled on a loveseat. Carlisle and Edythe were gathering wood for the fireplace. We spent a few days before Christmas hanging out and doing family stuff. We had a snowball fight. Irina was the only sister that kind of kept a distance; I don't know what I did, then Edythe broke it down for me one day, the Denali sister's "mother" had created something called an immortal child, and they were a big no-no, so the Volturi killed her and the child. Edythe said how young I looked brought back sad memories, so she kept her distance.


On Christmas day, Esme woke me up and told me we would start opening presents in 30 minutes; I got out of bed, bundled up, and went onto the porch. After a few minutes of enjoying the scenery, Tanya came outside. I took a cigar from my coat and lit it with a match.

She approached me," I don't think you are old enough for those." she said jokingly.

"You don't live forever, you know," I said quietly

She chuckled, " I don't think you can say that after knowing us."

We sat there a spoke for a few she asked me how I was doing and if I was adjusting well to the new life I was in. I told her I was getting better; I take each day at a time. Jasper came outside to say we were going to start; he grabbed my cigar and threw it; I couldn't even see where it landed. "Esme will beat you if she sees you with that." I laughed, "With her, it will be a love tap."

While we were handing out gifts, I gave everyone a phone like mine. I had made ones for everyone. Even the Denali's got one; I had made them because they were faster than the phones being made at the moment; they were mainly to get a hold of people, but for the Denali's it would be good since they live up in the mountains in the middle of nowhere. I had made a case for them so they would be protected; by the night's end, Alice had already customized her case.


The last night we were there, I woke up during the night, and I could hear Eleazar talking to Carlisle, Esme, and Edythe.

"That boy would be dead without his gift; his gift kept him alive from both attacks."

While he said that, I hit something with my hand on accident, and they stopped talking; I stayed quiet for a few, but they had taken the talk somewhere else, so I just lay back down and went to sleep. After we said goodbye, we went home, but I was not prepared for our unexpected guests a day later.

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