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"Russia, take your clothes off and get inside the tub. I made sure the water is warm." Russia was beyond confused, he doesn't know why Mongolia wants him to get inside naked. "Look, I'll get out to give you some privacy."

As soon as he left, Russia dipped his finger inside, it wasn't cold... Nor was it too hot, he took his clothes off and went inside. Mongolia came in with a loofah in his left and a bar of soap in his right hand. "Time to wash you."


"Haha, that tickles!" Mongolia scrubbed underneath Russia's armpit, then his back, he was gentle with his wings and tail. "Does your horn need cleaning?" He poked his pointed small antler-like things. Russia shrugged his shoulder and Mongolia decided to clean them anyway.

No body part was left unwashed, once finished, he rolled Russia around a big towel and laid him on the bed. "Your clothes are all muddy... How long were you in these?" Russia thought for a second, "I wore that every day, it didn't used to look like that." 

"How can you possibly wear this? Some of the fabric is ripped off, I need to wash this." He put the clothes inside a basket, Russia jumped up, "What will I wear then?" Mongolia looked at him for a second, "That towel suits you, Why don't you keep that one for a while?"

"but it's too wet, and I'm gonna get cold!" Russia whined, Mongolia laughed, "I'm joking, here, wear this until your clothes are ready." He handed him one of his own shirts. When Russia put it on, it appeared too big for him but very comfortable and soothing for his skin.

"Ah, guess it's too big for you." He searched for a much smaller size, "It's alright, I like this!" He snugged inside the shirt, Mongolia nodded his head and went outside to wash Russia's clothes. He put the clothes on a line to dry, "I'm sure they'll dry out by morning. It's gonna get dark."

Mongolia went inside the house and Russia was nowhere to be found. "Russia, where did you go?" He searched for him, and the last place he checked was under the bed. There he was, laying still, "Uhh... What are you doing?"

"I'm sleeping under here." Mongolia was perplexed to hear that, "No you are not! You must sleep on the bed," He patted the soft mattress. "What if someone comes inside and kills us when we are asleep?" 

"Trust me, no one would have the guts to walk in here, and even if they do, I will protect you. Now come out and try the bed." Russia contemplated, then crawled out. He hasn't slept on a bed in months, come to think of it, he hasn't been sleeping on anything soft except the grass! He mostly sleeps on hot rocks and stones throughout his past period outdoors. It didn't necessarily bothered him before, considering how he got used to it.

"There, doesn't that feel more better than the floor?" Russia tussled and turned, then found the perfect position. "Yeah... it feels... Nice. What is this fluffy rock my head is on?" Mongolia laughed at his question, "It's called a pillow. Let me tuck you in." 

He arranged the covers around the small dragon, once satisfied he went to his bed. Taking off his boots, he used his cape as bed sheets before drifting off to dreamland. "Hey," he heard Russia call out. "What is it, Russia?" ...

"I don't think I caught your name," 

"It's Mongolia." Russia gave him one glance, "Goodnight, Mongolia!" With that said he went to sleep, and so did Mongolia.


Mongolia sat on the edge of the mountain, feeling the gentle breeze against his skin along with the light from the rising sun calmed him. He inhaled deep fresh air and relaxed. 

"What brings you here?" A voice said behind him, he opened his eyes and turned around. "Oh, hello brother, I could ask you the same thing."

His big brother sat next to him, "I come here to think about... Things." Thoughts were wandering in his mind, he wasn't sure if he should tell his young brother. "Really? I come here too! Except... I'm only here to relax, this spot has the best air."

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