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The duo was on a path that guided tourists, foreigners, and other lost souls to the destination of where the Kingdom resides. Those who were forsaken may find their true happiness habiting inside the walls. Japan observed the tree leaves being whisked away by the wind, she reached out and was able to catch one. Half of its part was orange, The Autumn season is almost arriving; temperatures are gonna start dropping significantly. 

"Do you find something interesting about that particular leaf?" Mongolia's voice shakes Japan's of her fascination. "Indeed I do, this place is breathtaking, I really like it here." With a contempt smile on her face, Mongolia hums in acknowledgment, their peaceful time lasted short by a fierce dragon barking next to him. 

"If you like it so much, why don't you invade this country too?!" An irk mark appeared on her head, this was the 5th time Korea had offended her, she did slide it off the first two, or three times. The next two were intolerable, "Permission to slap the dumbness out of him?" Japan asked Mongolia. In denial, he raises his palm, saying, "No need, allow me the privilege. Korea shut up!" 

With a swift swat, he smacks the back of Korea's head, finally keeping him quiet. A soft growl comes out in return, he scratches the area where he got hit, "Ow..." Russia snickers from the hilarious scene, the dynamic between these three is something admirable. "I hate to say this but... are we there yet?" Japan's legs were getting exhausted from the long miles they adventured, Korea would occasionally fly if his feet were hurting. As for Russia, he seldom makes Mongolia carry him in his arms, he doesn't mind it though, as this gives Mongolia a chance to fondle with his wings and horns. 

"Nope, we still have hundreds of kilometers left," he says like it wasn't even the slightest bit of trouble. Japan took a deep breath, she reckoned she should hold out a little longer, shouldn't be too hard, right? Korea witnessed the tiredness in Japan's eyes and smiled in secret. "You better keep up, girl, or else we'll leave you behind," he leans in and taunts her with a singing voice. She turns her head away and scoffs. 

"Korea, don't be absurd..." Mongolia pulls the dragon away from Japan's comfort zone. "I have to say... I don't know how you do it. So far you've been carrying that child for 5 hours, yet you still show no signs of fatigue." She was impressed by Mongolia's stamina, what a wonderful assassin he would be if he chose to become one. In response, he shrugs his shoulders, "Meh, you could say I'm sorta accustomed to it. I'm experienced at transporting from one place to another."

"*Sigh* Can we stop for a minute? My legs are about to sleep..." 

They all stop in their tracks, Mongolia puts the bag behind him down and stretches his body getting all the sturdiness out of his bones. "We have walked for long hours, Korea, what would you say we stop here for the night?" 

Korea had his arms crossed, his expression held disappointment and stubbornness, "No way! If she wants to lay around all day, then there is no helping her. Come on let's go." His persistent act was broken when he felt a sharp cramp in his legs, "Ah!" In reflex, he was down on his knees. He groaned in pain whilst massaging his calves, "Y-Yeah, let's rest for the day..."

Mongolia rolled his eyes, this boy was a bundle of mischievousness, the very definition of disrespectful. All talk, no action... it sort of reminded him of someone dear to him that he could not put a finger on it. "We'll set camp right around here," he moves his hand in a circular motion to exemplify an open area. "I'm not sure, resting in plain sight is not something I'm comfortable with," an understandable statement from a Ninja... Samurai... Assassin, whatever she is. Mongolia didn't look at the downside of things, "Relax, you think someone will assault us while we're asleep?" 

"Yes!" Japan and Korea both answered simultaneously, the two suspected each other greatly. They gave each other an "I know what you're planning" stare, Mongolia took a deep breath, he swore these two were gonna be the death of him one day. "Mongolia, is something wrong?" Russia tugs on Mongolia's Deel skirt. "Everything is fine, Russia... I'm a little bit tired..."

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