Bonding time

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Mongolia was setting up a camp in the open, he couldn't find a much better place, but hey, at least they could scan the area with less inconvenience. "Ugh!" Mongolia lets out a frustrated grunt; the hours he put into fixing up the tent fell to pieces. "*Sigh* A little help would be appreciated, Korea..." Glancing at the lousy dragon resting under the shade of a tree, he opens one eye to see Mongolia giving him a raised eyebrow. 

He fist-bumps the air saying, "You can do this, Mongolia! I believe in you!" Deadpanning at his encouragement, his tranquility was getting diminished, "That's not the type I meant! ...Huff... Alright, I'll do this later; this is just one tent anyway, everything besides this is prepared..."

Korea silently laughs making Mongolia give him a questioning look, "Do you find something humorous?" He nods his head in return, "Yes, I didn't take you to be such a procrastinator, a temple cleaner can do a better job than you." Clenching his fists, Mongolia was getting fed up with his indolent-egoistical-ungrateful attitude. "*Exhales* Calm down, Mongolia... don't let this man get the best of you..." Trying to maintain a cool act, he joins Korea by the tree and nudges him out of the shadow, "Hey! What gives?!" 

"Move, I want to rest now..." Laying his head on his hands, he closes his eyes to sleep for a while. "I want to sleep, too!" Russia flew and landed right on top of Mongolia's stomach, making him puff out the air in pain, "Augh, Russia, easy, I'm still hurting down my lower region..."


Korea tilts his head in interest, the sight of them reminded him of an image he cherished dearly. "A-Err... Are you sure you're not Russia's dad?" Shaking his head in denial, Mongolia calmly states, "We already had this conversation, do I have to remind you? No, I'm not married, even if I were I prefer to court a human. I don't plan on dating anyone either." Last time, Korea kept prying into Mongolia's standards, asking if he would ever marry a dragon if he would have kids, or if he had a past romantic association with anyone. 

"Man, to think you're 6 centuries years old, and you've never wed a single person... Are you saving it for that special someone? I bet you are! Are youuuu-?~" Crooning and leaning his ear close for an answer, Mongolia shoves his head away, "No! And it's none of your concern."

"*Sigh* You're such a bore, Mongolia, can't we do something fun?"

He points to the incomplete tent, "You can try and set up camp if you don't have anything to do." Korea grumbled and knelt in front of the sticks, "I don't see what the problem is, it shouldn't be so hard..."

An hour later, Korea was invested in assembling the object, he was too focused to say a word. Stomping in the last nail, Korea smiled triumphantly, "There, I did it!" Mongolia was impressed, he's been observing him struggle this entire time. Russia was softly snoring on Mongolia's guts, he carefully removed himself from him, being cautious not to disrupt the peaceful child.

"Just like I said, it wasn't difficult at all! You needed elbow grease," Mongolia rolls his eyes at Korea's big ego. "Yeah, whatever, I'm gonna start the fire..." He grabs a flint on his right, and a stone on his left. With strength, he chucks the two into each other attempting to make a spark. "Here, allow me..." Korea stood in front, "You know how to build a fire?" Mongolia asked him. 

Breathing in a huge amount of air, Korea exhaled fire from his mouth and successfully created a campfire. Mongolia was awestruck, "Woah..." he shouldn't be so surprised, Korea is a dragon after all. "How did you do that?"

Korea scratches his head, "Uhm... I breathed fire onto it?" As if that wasn't an obvious answer. "That was! *Clears throat* Amazing..." Realizing he was breaking character; he couldn't help but be so captivated. "I suppose that's a... much facile method to start a fire... I appreciate your help."

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