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"Are we there yet?" The 27th time Korea has asked Mongolia if they have arrived at the kingdom, "No, Korea, for the thousandth time, I will tell you if we have made it. Now pipe down..." This dragon was giving him the worst case of migraine, Japan jabs his side, "Can you stop being such a nuisance?! I swear, I'm gonna go crazy if I continue hearing you whine all day!" 

Korea's head snaps toward the girl, snarling with contempt. How dare she barge into their conversation? "Nobody asked you, you wicked witch of the east!" An irk mark appears on her head from that insult, she recoils to speak, luckily Mongolia diffuses the situation, "*Sigh* Korea..." He pipes down at the mention of his name, the worst thing Mongolia needed was drama right now...

Russia's grip on Mongolia's hand tightens, feeling a bit intimidated that a fight might break out. Korea moved position to stand next to right side of Mongolia, that way he could keep some distance away from Japan. "Japan... why do you and Korea fight so much?" Russia asks the silent girl peacefully trudging along them. "It's a long story, little one, you wouldn't understand..."

"Trust me, the boy has handled more than you imagine. Hey may not look the part, but he's mature enough to fathom most major issues..." Mongolia ruffles the kid's head, Japan giggles in admiration, "Besides that, you also want to know, don't you?" She caught him right, Mongolia plays the innocent act, "I don't know what you're talking about. So far, you've been keeping to yourself quite a lot, how about you talk about yourself a little more?" It's true, so far they only know little about Japan. Mongolia has interrogated Korea about it, but all he said was that she kept him prisoner, that's pretty much it. 

"What is there for me to talk about, I'm a samurai here to retrieve the refugee you got back there," She points at the feisty dragon who hisses back. "Feels like there is more to it... I know you're from Tokugawa; Korea told me you're the daughter of... Imperial Japan, is that true?" He only knows little of who Imperial Japan is from the newspapers. Tokugawa is a whole different story, he and Qing have been business partners long ago, so it wasn't surprising he passed away. 

"Yes, for once what he said is correct, I am the daughter of Imperial Japan..." What a beautiful girl born from a nasty man. "Hmm... Your mother must have been quite a gorgeous woman if you got your looks from her. Shouldn't your parents be worried knowing you're venturing overseas?" Fat chance, her only parent isn't even aware she left, might not even care if he knew anyway. 

"My mother's dead..." She says that so casually like she told it a billion times, Mongolia got nervous for asking such a heavy question, yet he was interested, "How did she die?" Japan's expression falters to a depressed state, "I don't want to talk about it..." It was a heavy subject for her, Korea was peeking next to Mongolia, he wanted to know as well. "See! She's hiding things! She's plotting! She's scheming! She-" A moderate smack behind the head made him shut up. He lowly growls and rubs his scalp. 

"If you're not comfortable sharing, then we'll put it aside..." Speaking about it now, Japan reminisces about the time her mother would comb her hair and tell her how adorable she looked. What she would give away just to spend another day with her, not even the sacrifice of millions would bring her back now, and it was all... because of...

"Japan... is something wrong? Your hands are shaking," Her knuckles were hard, the memories she tried to repress coming back. Now wasn't the best time to get emotional, "I'm fine..." Putting on a calm facade she smiles as best as she can. Korea wasn't buying it, he tapped on Mongolia's shoulder and whispered, "Careful, Mongolia, she might dual out her blade and strike you!"

"Don't be rude," he shuts his ridiculous idea down, Russia was having the time of his life, it's been so long since he had been around a group... Should a four be considered a group? Doesn't matter, it was turning to a more livelier lane. 

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