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Qing escorts Mongolia to what he assumes would be the torture chamber. "I bet this trash will punish me by lashing my back with a whip hundreds of times..." He knows just how much sadistically Qing enjoys tormenting felons with a whip, Mongolia is beginning to think he has a certain kink with all those whipping.

"Just so you know, lay a hand on me, and I will beat you to a pulp..." He warns him in case Qing double crosses with a sudden assault. Qing wasn't phased at all by the threat, he wholeheartedly chuckled, "Relax, Mongolia, I'm bringing you to my room, not whatever disciplinary room you're thinking of,"

"It's even worse than I thought. I seriously don't want to be inside your room with you. Either you're gonna personally kill me, or you're going to try and rape me..." Qing dramatically puts a hand over his chest with an exasperated gasp, "Such morbid thoughts. I guess you'll find out when we get there. Speaking of which, we're here. After you, dear~" The ruler smirks and slides the door for Mongolia to go in first. 

He scoffs and crosses his arm; he begrudgingly enters saying, "Eugh, creep..." It wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. The wallpaper was a nice shade of gray aside from a barely noticeable red. Some dark patterns were marked right to the center of the room, right under the luxurious ceiling chandelier. A huge king-sized bed was located on the right side, and a talk, drawer, and some vases with purple flowers in them were all to the left of the corner. 

"Come, sit with me. Let's have a reasonable, civilized chat~" His sitting position was a lotus, his hand was also calling for Mongolia to join him. He rolls his eyes, "Now I know you're on something because the Qing I know is anything but civilized. Why don't you just draw your gun out and shoot me already? Or... you need to make it slow and watch the life drain from my eyes?"

"Your assumptions can be certainly macabre, amusing at best. No need to get your head troubled, I have a little drink that could ease your tense mind~" From under the table he picks out a bottle of high-class wine, Mongolia's mouth opens a little in astonishment. Qing saw that and shook the bottle to tempt him. "What do you say, want to drink with me?" He brings out two glass cups, placing one near to where Mongolia should sit. 

"If this doesn't tickle your fancy, I have a variety of liqueurs, wines, beers, and... what is that word your old friend used to say all the time? ...Ah yes. Vodkas~" He sings the last brand in sort of a teasing manner. Mongolia's eye twitches from irritation, "You have some nerve bringing my past friend, you know what you've done..." Mongolia figured this talk was personal, so he decided to sit opposite Qing, the medium-sized chair between them kept the two separate. 

"And I'm sure you recall what happened after? You know the rules, I thought you were all about being a lawful citizen, obeying laws and order, you kept things in line... Where did the times go?" Was this an attempt to get Mongolia to see the errors of his ways? Fat chance!

"I only follow guidelines made by my father, not by you."

"You mean OUR father?"

"No, you were adopted, I wish Father tossed you back to the volcano from where you came..." Qing pops open the vine, and he pays little to what Mongolia says, not that he doesn't care, but it is getting old, Mongolia would say words that can come off as rude or hurtful to him all the time. Qing developed a tough skin from it.

"Glad to hear and see you haven't lost your resilient persona. Would you partake in taking the first shot?" He pours the glass and nudges it toward him afterward. He suspiciously eyed the beverage. Was it poisoned? Possibly. Could it be his final enjoyment? Maybe. Was he purposely planning to get him intoxicated so he could have his way? 

"If you're so paranoid, I'll take a sip from it, watch me," he pours his glass and slowly lifts it to his mouth, the liquid seeps to his lips, some proportion of it decreasing. Mongolia could see Qing was grinning, he wiped his lips corner and said "How about now? Still want to pass on my offer?"

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