Onwards and so on

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Yuan was pacing back and forth, chewing on his fingers due to being stressed from anxiousness. His father lies unconscious on the bed, and Yuan frequently checks whether he has awakened. All the sickness procedures have been checked, there weren't any temperature drops, headaches, nausea, or colds. What could've caused him to plummet so unexpectedly? 

"Alright, I'm here!" Someone violently barges in through a wooden door creating a slamming sound from the wall. That said person had a red square centered on his face; he quickly walked toward the ill emperor. "What happened?" The person says as he soothes Mongol Empire's arm.

"I-I don't know, it all happened so fast, Ilkhanate. W-We were just riding through the field and when I turned around he f-fell from his horse and..." Yuan was hyperventilating, a gentle shake from his shoulders was enough to get his act together. "Yuan, calm down, did you say he had fallen?" The guy known as Ilkhanate repeats his words, barely processing received details his brother is telling. 

"Y-Yeah... he wasn't waking up, so I brought him back to our home, he isn't dead, his heart is still beating..." Yuan informs him of the situation. Ilkhanate listens before taking a deep sigh, "When you said something bad has happened to Dad, I assumed for the worst; thankfully, it's not as severe as I hoped it to be. Still, we should have him checked by a medic... Chagatai! He should know what's going on, he's experienced in medical subjects, you did call for all of our siblings, right?" Yuan gave his brother a cup of tea he brewed, it was the kind that helps people relax. 

"Yes, I did, he lives far away though, I fear it may take some time for him to arrive..." 

A deep groan interrupts their conversation, they turn around and see their father shifting in bed. His eyes were slowly opening and the bright light from the ceiling made his eyes burn, "Father... are you okay?" Asked the two siblings who were leaning close, waiting for a response from a bedridden man. 

"I... I..."

Yuan felt as if his world was spinning around, a  sound of hissing made his head ring. Was this all a hallucination? Whatever it is, he just wants it to stop. "Psst, Mongolia! Wake up." A finger kept poking his cheek, Mongolia awakens with an emotional face. His eyes dialed to Russia who was waiting for him to regain his state of mind, "R-Russia?" Russia smiles at his name being called. Mongolia got up as soon as Russia jumped off his stomach. "Was that all a dream? It felt too real to be one..."  Dazed by the lucid dream he had, he continued to rub his temples in thought. One could argue that may not have been a dream at all, but a piece of memory flooding back. 

Looking to the left, Japan was resting soundly with her hands tucked under her head. From above, Korea was dangling on a tree branch as well as saliva drooling out like a waterfall. Behind numerous mountains, golden light illuminated the area indicating sunshine was coming in. "What a wonderful morning. I'll boil up some tea. After we had our breakfast what do you say we get going?" Mongolia grabs a flint to create a spark on a bunch of nested sticks and twigs alike. Russia got in the way with his hand up, "I'll do it!" 

He took a deep breath and blew hard on the unlit campfire. His futile attempt to imitate Korea's action humored Mongolia, "Russia, I'm not sure you're ready to breathe fire, at least not yet," Russia's wings expanded in reaction, he had a determined glow in him, "But I know I can do it! My dad's the hottest dragon in the world! Most of my siblings can use their fire! Why can't I?"

Mongolia sniggers from Russia's hilarious choice of words, "I think you and I have different views of what 'hot' is. Sure wish I could meet your father, he seems like an inspiration to you." He assumed Russia's caretaker must be a pretty good guy... Speaking of parents, he wonders what sorrow his father must be going through. Does he think his son died? Kidnapped? Or worst of all, killed?

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