Sweet Enemies

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Four of them made it to the camp and Korea was up a tree with a death stare locked on the girl. He didn't feel comfortable or tranquil being so close to Japan, and he was sort of growling at Mongolia as well. "I can't believe we're helping the enemy!"

"Correction, Korea, I'm helping YOUR enemy, I barely know this young girl..." Mongolia uses a gauze pad to wipe the muck off Japan's pearly white skin; she occasionally yelps in pain due to the blisters she got from the fight. Once the dirt was cleared off the only that remained was Japan's shoulders and torso.

"Would you mind if you lower your Kimono a bit?" He politely asks her to do so. Seconds of thoughtful silence later, she sighs and unbuckles her belt to move the neck hole over her shoulders. "You have a few cuts here and there, but don't worry they'll heal in no time," The stinging sensation of alcohol being padded on her back wasn't anything severe. "There, all better," Mongolia says with a cheerful smile. The same doesn't go for Korea, "Congratulations, you aided a murderer, now kick her out, or else I'll do it for you!"

Korea's claws extend out ready to attack, and Japan's sword slightly unsheathes, with a simple move, she'll be ready to defend herself. "Enough! I just treated both of your wounds! Korea quit harassing the girl, she isn't doing anything." Mongolia's hand nudges Korea's chest for him to back off.

"Oh please, she may not be doing nothing now, but wait until our backs are turned, she'll stab us like the fiend she is!" Japan was fed up with the non-stop insults being sent her way; she tried to maintain tranquility, but limits could be broken. "Unlike you, I'm not a cowardice reptile who stirs up trouble. Does that blasphemy mouth of yours ever shut up? Seems as if my ears are still ringing from hearing your annoying voice over and over again."

"Tell me about it..." Mongolia quietly adds. Korea scoffs and could only snarl whilst keeping their distance. Mongolia sits opposite Japan, and the two dragons join him with Russia sitting next to the Mongolian and Korea hiding behind him. "Tell us about yourself, who are you, and what is your reason to be here?"



"She's imperial Japan's hellspawn!" Korea rudely interrupts before she can answer. "*Sigh* Korea." Mongolia gave him a look that said "Be quiet". He acknowledges it and reluctantly slumps on the grass. "As I was saying. I'm Japan, I come from the island of Tokugawa."

"Tokugawa? You're long away from home..." He recognizes her country, she nods and continues, "I was born and raised there, my task was to capture that elusive 'friend' of yours," with an emphasis on the term' friend, she gives a look to Korea who sticks his tongue out at her. "What use is he to you?" 

"He's my prisoner, and I solely made an oath to myself to catch him, otherwise..." Her voice descends to a lower octave, and Mongolia is intrigued by her. "Otherwise?" He asks, Japan shakes her head, "Nothing... I just have to bring him back to his cage..." 

"Well, what could you have done to be behind bars, Korea?" Mongolia's eyes slide toward Korea, he scoffs in return, "I didn't do anything! When my country was being attacked, they captured me and put me in jail! And this bitch was my jailor!" His index finger was pointing hard at Japan, so hard that it was shaking. "Hey! Don't curse around the kid!" Swearing next to Russia is not something Mongolia would let off easy. "Bitch... what does that mean?" Being innocent and ignorant of profanity he awaits Mongolia to answer. "Ugh, now you look what you've done..."

Mongolia facepalms, glaring daggers through the gap between his fingers.

"S-Sorry..." Korea bowed his head, "I didn't say bitch, I said... Uhm... Witch! Yeah, that's right," Stammering like crazy, he poorly saves himself from the beating he was about to receive. "Oh..." Russia believed the nervous dragon's excuse. The sound of high-pitched whistling reminded Mongolia the tea was ready. He removes the teapot above the fire set and pours it into a teacup to hand it to Japan. She blows the evaporation emitting from the hot beverage then takes a sip right after. 

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