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"Ready to head out?" Mongolia asked, already putting on his boots by the doorway. "I'm always ready!" Korea fist bumps the air. Japan contradicts him whispering an inaudible, "No you're not..." That didn't go unheard though, he grumbled under his breath; he was getting fed up with her always keeping him down. "I'm more than ready, let's go!" Russia prematurely skips around the Mongolian, a juvenile way to express his excitement.

"Alrighty then, time to go..." The quad exits the apartment, they can't say their time was relaxing, but hey, at least they had a place to sleep. Not to mention Mongolia put hours into fixing that door. For once, Japan and Korea actually slept peacefully, thanks to the fox that Korea stole the previous day, a fragment of their relationship has been altered. The funny thing is, the two made sure not to stare at each other's direction as they rested.

"So... what's our destination today?" Korea trudges from Japan's side to Mongolia's looking closely at the map. "To the edge of the kingdom, we're going to Jingshi," Japan snickers with fingers cupped to her lips, "Heehee, funny name!" 

"That looks like it will take days for us to get there..." Judging from where they are currently at concluded from the x mark above the town. The smallest space was a drag to see, "Relax, we're not walking there. We'll take a ride,"

"What shall be our way of transportation?" There were a few optional methods Japan could think of. A horse, a moving car vehicle, or either a wagon. "You'll find out when you see it," despite Korea and Japan not having a proper look around the city, it was great to be here. Mongolia is such a horrible tour guide, however, could you blame him? He himself relents being here.

"Behold, our ride!" Mongolia smiles and happily sprints inside the large casket. "Ooh, fancy~" Korea was familiar with basket wheels, Japan also remembers the time she would take a ride in fresh air. The breeze along her hair would always calm her, it always felt natural for her... at least before she cut it. Japan runs her right hand across her hairline, it took months for her to grow them back again. "Ураaa!" Russia runs and lunges himself on Mongolia's lap. He was so giddy, this felt like one of those story books he used to read all the time way back when he was isolated inside his room. Oh how much he longed to see his old room...

"Well, come inside," Japan and Korea had the same mindset, the only space available was opposite of Mongolia and Russia. Taking a deep breath, Korea gestures to the door, "Ladies first..." Japan was baffled by Korea's chivalry, "Thank you..." They could amazingly play it off coolly. Mongolia's brows lift in surprise, "Korea, it's nice to know you still hold some aspect of respect for women. Such a gentleman, now if only you showed the same kind of accommodation to me~"

"What are you talking about? You hold a high image to me, I was taught to respect my elders. Since you're bronze age-old, you deserve all the adoration you can get~" He winks at the end. "Hey!" Mongolia playfully kicks Korea's leg, the two chuckle at the backhanded compliments they give. Russia's face was glued to the window waiting for this thing to move. "Where to, chief?" The coachman saddles in at front. Mongolia leans to him and tells him their destination. "You're all going to the outskirts of Jingshi? I'm afraid you'll have to make a transfer. The farthest this can go is to a market near the heart temple."

"Heart temple? But that's where Qing lives..." he didn't think this through, would the people there recognize his face if he showed up? The only ones who can are Qing's bloodlines. There might be a slim chance that they might get caught. Mongolia knows Qing takes his daily walks around the temple to make sure things are running standardly. Anything unusual would be reported within minutes. There is a slim chance they could meet face to face, if that were to happen, Mongolia was thinking of an excuse for himself and others. 

He could already hear his voice interrogating him nonstop. "We're moving! Look, Mongolia! The carriage is moving!" Russia bounces on his seat incapable of bottling up his joy. Mongolia shakes his head and reverts to reality, "So we are..." 

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