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"What?!" Macau and Hong Kong were informed of where Japan and Korea were being held prisoners. "Hold on... you mean to tell me there is a full dungeon placed under our house?" They couldn't believe what they were hearing, "And you knew about this and didn't tell us?"

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret. And besides... my father strictly ordered me not to share this with anyone, even you two, or else there will be hell to pay." They were better off not knowing anyway.

"Japan and Korea are locked up? Should we... tell Mongolia?" Hong Kong said. China raises his palm in dismiss, "No, he can't know about this, yet, give me time." Time, for what?

China taps his chin in thought, thinking of ways this could go. "What are you-"

"Shh, I'm thinking!" China hushed down Macau. It was so quiet in there you could hear the ticking of a clock. Macau and Hong Kong awkwardly exchanged looks, eyes darting around the room until China finished with his long contemplation.




"I got it!" About time. Their eyes perked up in surprise, and Macau who was a little slouched with drowsy eyes jolted in a formal posture. It was late at night, and he just finished cleaning Qing's mess, so could you blame him? Hong Kong was keeping herself busy with a nail file until China's sudden shout caused her to drop it. Regardless, they were fascinated to hear what China had to preach.

"Right, Father has the basement dungeon's key in his drawer, I would know because I've been snooping in there to get whatever dirt on him."

"*Gasp* Young Master, how could you?!" Hong Kong with her hand afront her mouth was taken aback by China's devious secret.  "Yeah, I can only imagine what punishments would be bestowed upon you if he ever catches you..." Now these two were aware of the relationship between China and Qing, they wanted to support China as much as they could; however, Qing made it very clear their dynamics were a family issue and not outsiders. 

"Relax, I'm smooth as butter. Anyway, I can't just barge in there and get the keys. If I'm being honest with you two... I don't think I can do this alone... I can't ask Mongolia for help because..." Humming in thought, he anticipates how Mongolia would react if he suddenly told him his friends were imprisoned. There's no telling what he'll do, especially when he has that child beside him twenty-four-seven. 

A grand scheme was in order, it could be tough to pull it off, but with extra precaution and stunt, it may be manageable. "Never mind, will you two assist me?"

"Right, so what do you suggest?" Macau figured China already created a ploy thanks to all that thinking. "Here's a start. Tomorrow my father is free for the entire day, I copied his calendar schedules to my own so I could know on which days he goes where. Since it's Sunday, he's either going to be cooped up in his room or something unexpected may occur to keep him occupied..."

Hong Kong and Macau nodded their heads to show they were following what China was saying, "We can't hope for that improbable chance of Qing having sudden work, so I need you two to keep Qing out of the house for at least an hour!"

That was the hard part, "China, we can try and ask, or even beg him for a trip; he'll just turn us down as he always does, it's not going to work..." Macau had his fair share of trying to be all buddy-buddy with the Dynasty, it backfired badly. 

"That is where Mongolia could be of use! Do you two have any idea where my dad enjoys going? A spa or... I don't know, a restaurant?" Hong Kong's nailed fingers tapped on the desk she was sitting on with her legs crossed. Later, she snaps her fingers and exclaims, "I see him take many strolls around the park! There are monuments and statues he loves to see from time to time..."

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