Peace offering

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Mongolia was in a cramped position, his eyebrows furrows from the uncomfortable pose. It feels like something is weighing down his spine as if an anvil was placed on top of his guts. "Mmm..." he groans, patting his aching stomach. What was strange was that his hand felt something else, the texture was soft as a feather. 

Moving the covers away he finds out the answer behind his confining sleep. Russia had his upper body resting on Mongolia's lower abdomen. He runs a hand over his face and lets out a moan, "Ugh... Russia..." He gently moves his body away to avoid disturbing the sleeping boy. The other side of the walls was silent, could Korea and Japan still be asleep?

The time was quarter past 8, and Mongolia reckoned he should begin making breakfast. Once outside the room, he was baffled to see Korea sleeping on the couch, his sheets wrapped around him like a bundled baby. He slightly pokes Korea's head, his left eye opens and turns to him. "I'm going to guess you two didn't get along well enough to enjoy a good night's sleep?" 

"Mhmm..." He aggressively nods his head, pupils reshaping to become sharp slits. "You want to get up, or sleep some more?" Korea's eye moves to a corner, contemplating Mongolia's question. He kicks the sheet off and hops up from the cushion. "I'm awake, might as well rise and shine!" 

"Great, then help me make breakfast for the others," He beckons him toward the kitchen, Korea's body slumps, mumbling, "I should've stayed in bed..." Mongolia chuckles and pats on his back, "Cheer up! You're giving me an extra hand. You should feel good," Korea was not to argue against validation, his lips subtly stretched upward for a small smile. 

"You're in... a creepingly happy mood... More than you ever were. Did something happen?" Korea wasn't sure if he was talking to the same Mongolia. He usually looked depressed and so fed up with everyone's bull. A look of tiredness stoned to his face, Korea believed it was engraved to his expression. Today he appears lively... Korea rarely sees this side of him, "Why, does it bother you?" Mongolia frowns at him, and Korea's tail straightens in recognition. "Ah, there is the 'you' I know and love. Never mind."

Again, Mongolia is reminded why he has trouble tolerating this childish dragon. "*Sigh* I... had a good dream, that's all. Here's the kettle, now make some tea."


Mongolia places the plates, silverware, and glasses on the table an hour after their conversation. One each for all of them, Korea was a pain in the back to work with. He constantly complained whenever something didn't go his way. Japan walks out of her room, hair tangled and messy, "Morning..." the sound of a chair creaking alerted them. "Well well well, were you able to get your beauty sleep, princess?" Korea taunts the drowsy girl who glares back. See, it can never be a peaceful day for Mongolia... these two can't go a day without insulting one another. 

"No, not with you around..."

"Seriously? Not even after you kicked me out of the room only so you could hog it all for yourself?" Mongolia's eyes switched from Korea to Japan, listening to their responses. "I didn't kick you out! You left the room because you said you couldn't bear sleeping with someone as mortifying as me!" 

Mongolia slams his fist on the table, successfully shutting the arguers up, "Quiet! It's a sunny morning, and I'm not about to let you two ruin it with your quarrels. Now sit down and enjoy breakfast!" They complied with Mongolia's assertive voice, and Japan and Korea were on watch until they finished their teas. 

Out of nowhere, a loud sound bursts into everyone's ears. Dust particles crumble from the ceiling along with a rumble. "Mongolia!" As theorized, the source of the crash was the small dragon standing on 4 right above the broken wooden door. His eyes were a bit watery, "W-What's wrong? Woah there!" Mongolia almost trips back when Russia pounces his whole figure to his waist. Clutching on as tight as his arms and legs could, Mongolia had difficulty removing him "I thought you abandoned me when I didn't see you in bed!"

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