Locked... Away?

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"Gather around, Gather around! For our show is about to commence, sit down and witness the war between the great king, Joseon, fight against the Ruthless Leader that is Tokugawa!" The announcer speaks with strange movements in order to attract an audience. "Here we are, just in time for the show!"

The play was in a public area with many aligned seats neatly organized and adequate space for viewers to move in comfortably. Hong Kong picks out a spot for everyone to sit on, not too far and yet not too close, just perfect. "I don't like being around the crowd... suddenly I'm having doubts. Is it too late to turn back?"

"Aw, come on Mongolia, can we please watch this? I'm invested!" Korea just casually pulling Mongolia by his shoulders caught China off guard. Are they good friends or something? Mongolia is weirdly tolerating Korea's rowdy behavior. "Yes, I want to see as well..." Japan with her soft-spoken voice claims to Mongolia's left. "Alright! Stop talking, I ain't your caretaker..." You might be wondering where Russia was sitting... well, in Mongolia's lap of course. Since the space between people was squished in, Mongolia thought it would be best if he kept Russia in his arms.


"Yes, Russia?" 

"I'm a little thirsty, do you think you can get some water for me?" Russia requested. Mongolia could tell how parched he was when he heard his raspy voice. "I-"

"I'll go get it for you!" China takes the task with enthusiasm, it was his way to make up for what he did before...

"Is there something you want to ask, China?"

China who was deep in thought snapped back to reality, "W-What?"

"I can see you eyeing Russia intensely, what are you planning?"


That time when Mongolia threatened him to keep far away from whom he calls Russia. Why was Mongolia keeping Russia so close? He never displayed this sort of care and protection to anyone. He eyes him suspiciously, this is the most intense stare he's gotten from him yet. Mongolia wanted to get it himself, but it would be so much of a hassle to get up and go. China who was already standing, it should be easier for him to accomplish it. 

"Fine... be quick..." Mongolia his palm at him to hurry, he darts and maneuvers his way around the groups of people. On his way to a stand, he observes Russia and Mongolia from afar. Mongolia was looking down at the small child with a loving smile. "He's not his son, but he sure is treating him like one..."

Thus, the play has already begun. Unfortunately, the cast were speaking in their native language, which Korea and Japan found bothersome. "Pssst, Mongolia..." 

"What, Korea? No talking during the act!" Mongolia scolds Korea for interrupting his focus. "What's going on now? I can't understand," feeling sympathetic, he translates and follows him up, "Ming and Joseon were successful in retaliating Toyotomi's fleet, thus defeating their ruler's invasion. Unfortunately, his son Tokugawa swore he'd get revenge..." Now that he said it, he remembers this... he recalls it from his history books. "Of course... I recognize it..." Japan too could see the play adapting to her history books. Her great grandfather's invasion of Joseon... 

Russia couldn't care less about what was happening before him, he was taking a nap in Mongolia's cozy arms, his appendages were wrapped around him like a seat belt. 

"No matter how many times you attack, the results won't change, you'll never be able to defeat either Me or Ming, so give up!" The person who was playing Joseon spoke in sheer passion. Tokugawa cosplayer raises his arms in the air with a flag of black and stripes. At the center was a circle in closing three leaves of the two, a species of mallow, found in Japan's country, she was aware. "That's... grandfather's..." 

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