(Prelude) The Archer

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Every civilian in the kingdom gathered inside the castle; a trial is being held and nobody wished to miss it. Rumors spread and word got around quickly. 

People whispered towards each other, it filled the whole castle with sounds. The king clapped his hands to silence everyone, to which they all hushed. A new face entered through the doors with two guards escorting him to the throne. Everyone in the room was shocked to see who it was, whispers were passed on from one person to another.

The person's face had three vertical stripes with a red stripe at each side and a blue stripe in the middle, with the symbol centering on the leftmost side. "Mongolia..." The King spoke. He raised his head to look at the king, he had Azure Dragon on a plain yellow field with the red flaming pearl in the upper left corner. "People, we have gathered here today for an important discussion!" Everyone watched closely, too focused on the king's words.

"The discussion of Mongolia's punishment!" Gasps filled the room and the culprit glared at the ruler of the kingdom. "You have not only failed your sole duty as a guardian, but you have committed the utmost crime known around the mainland! To prevent further escalations, your job as a warden shall be revoked. Do you have anything to say for yourself?!"

Mongolia mumbled incoherent words nobody could make out. "What was that?!" Mongolia snapped and said out loud, "I said! As if I had loyalty to this place after you became ruler! You have fallen from what remaining morals you had left, and father was right... I should've never trusted you. And I no longer wish to serve this хараал идсэн Kingdom any longer!"

People were shocked by his outburst and the king was infuriated, he slammed his hands on the throne, "GET OUT! Leave this land and never come back! If I ever see you back here again, you will be executed!" He pointed to the exit. Mongolia tsk-ed, "So be it... Brother."

He walked away, he noticed the disappointed looks everyone gave him, some were shaking their heads in disapproval. Mongolia looked down in shame, the people that looked up to him... Admired him... couldn't even comprehend someone like him would do this.

Mongolia kept walking without having any destinations, he had nowhere to go. Currently, he didn't know what to do; millions of thoughts and emotions were coursing through his body. "*Sigh* Damn it..."

His face softened and he glanced one final time at the kingdom he served for ages. All that hard work and protection he gave it, only to be cast out.


Mongolia opened his eyes, that dream always haunted him. Occasionally, he has them at least once or twice a month. He yawned and stretched his body, "That dream again... When will it end?" 

He put his boots on and went outside to be greeted by the warm shining sun. The sound of sheep and cows filled his ears. Mongolia lives off of herding 5 types of mammals such as sheep, cows,  horses, goats, and sometimes camels cause they are a good way of transporting furniture. It's a huge responsibility for keeping such huge livestock. 

He even started growing his own crops, however, they're mostly potatoes, carrots, onions, and cabbages. Mongolia made several attempts to grow a wheat farm, though they kept getting consumed by the animals, so no biscuits and bread for him I guess. 

It has been years since Mongolia was banished from the Azi Kingdom. It took hard work and dedication for Mongolia to get where he was, it wasn't easy getting here. "Looks like the vegetation is growing normally. Haven't seen a single wolf around." 

Sometimes Mongolia wakes up to find the carcass of a sheep or a goat. That's why he set out to the woods and hunted almost every wolf pack. He let at least 4 live, considering they are crucial to the ecosystem. 

"I think I spoke too soon..." He spotted a fresh corpse of a lamb. A chunk of its neck ripped off, and some bones snapped broken. Strangely enough, there was a slight burn mark on, though, he shrugged it off as nothing. He wore his hooded cape and grabbed his bow... A powerful bow capable of many abilities, not even Mongolia is aware of what it can do. It was passed down to him from his father.

"Well аав, looks like another wolf killed one of my herd, better go solve this problem."

Yes, I know it's short, but it get's longer over time. This is the prologue of a new story. I still have to tie the thread and connect the characters without having to stray from the plot line.

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