★Chapter Thirty one ★

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Indigo Evans

It has been twenty minutes since we've moved in with August, Aurora is having a nap since she has been screaming her little lungs from seeing her room to just ranting while I was putting her cloths in her wardrobe then she just stopped and now she's fast asleep in her room.

I was in my room, My room reminded me of my old room back in my house. He put an effort into making us comfortable and Aurora rains him with kisses and i smile seeing Aurora happy with her dad.

He loves her and Aurora loves him too, I mean the mention of his name brings a huge glow on her face and August loves her and spending time with her gives the happiest smile on his beautiful face.

I was in my room eating Mcdonald's, all alone with no one to look at me like he'd when he looks at Aurora. Single life can be depressing but who needs a man any ways when you have food like good food

Like the saying goes somepeople have a boyfriend, Some have a girlfriend but I have food which is nicer than them all, I snap my head to the door when I hear a knock on the door"Aurora?". I called out

"It's me August, can I come in please?".

I swallowed the lump of food" You can come in, August". I said putting my food back in the paper bag like I get shy when people see me eat food.

The door opens and the bucket of loads of handsome comes in, a beautiful smile on his beautiful face"Hey". He says and walks to me then stands infront of me.

"Hold on, You have something-". He says, he leans in and uses his long sleeve to to wipe the sides of my mouth and smiles

He leans back and his sleeve has mustard stains and ketchup stains on it, I mean just kill me with embarrassment on the first day that we moved in

"Star?". He says"Can I sit down too?". He ask and I nodded making him sit down

"I want to ask you something". He drags


"What exactly are we?". He questions, he turns to me and furrows his eyebrow

I turn to face him ignoring the fireworks in my stomach when our thighs touched,
"Friends, Best Friends". I said, He scowls

He smiled even though he was scowling,
"So you make children with friends?" He says and I slapped my hands on my face

"Ouch". I winced when I slapped myself to hard, he looks at me with amusement in his eyes as he caressed the red cheek

"You think this is funny?".

"Kinda of if you think about it".

I frowned"Gee, Thanks. I always knew I was supposed to be a comedian". I added

His smile grows even wider"Would you be my girlfriend,". He questions, He says it like it was the most normal thing


"Would you be my girlfriend?".

I blinked three times, He's really asking me this like I won't lie and say this was the first time a guy asked me out. I've been asked to be someone's girlfriend as my answer will always be no, simple

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