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Lia's POV

I ended the call that was supposedly to be with Yuna but Yeji was the last one I talked to. As soon as I put my phone down, I wanted to check what my parents were doing. I went out of my room and down the stairs but I quietly stopped going down when I heard both mom and dad talking to each other.

"Come on honey, give her a chance. She's done with highschool already and she got what you wanted right?" I heard dad said

"Don't you understand what's going to happen?! She'll be going down the drain again and will be a failure, I'm telling you (d's/n), Lia will be a failure when she goes back to Korea" I heard mom after

"Then so what if she's a failure when she gets there? I never see Julia smile anymore"

"She smiles all the time"

"She forces it, have you seen her smile genuinely? Have you ever seen her having fun here in the US? I for sure know that Julia doesn't feel happy here (m's/n)" dad said

"I don't care, I won't let her go back to Korea" mom said before I quietly went back to my room upstairs. I hurriedly called Yeji while mom and dad were still arguing.


"Yeji, I'm going back to Korea"

"W-what? but how? I thought your parents won't let you"

"Only mom doesn't want me to. Dad was fine, he knew that I'm not well here. It seems like mom really planned this for me to go here in the US"

"Well, when are you coming back?"

"Next week, I'll be going with one of my school mates here. I'll tell dad about what happened first and he'll probably understand me"

"I hope so too, I'm glad you'll be coming back here"

"Me too, well I do have to apologize for a lot of things"

"I'm sure Aunt and Uncle Lee will forgive you"

"I wish so, well I'll hang up first Yeji"

"Okay, bye Lia"


I sighed and then turned off my phone after we ended the call before my mom goes back to my room. I pretended to do some of my schoolwork for a little while. As it passed a few hours, I know mom was already sleeping so I quietly went out of my room and went down. I saw dad watching tv and thought that it could be a good time to talk to him.


"Oh yes Lia? do you need anything?" he asked as he pauses the movie he was watching to turn his attention to me

"Can I tell you something?" I asked him

"Of course sweetheart, what is it?" he asked

"But you can't tell mom" I said and he nodded

"I want to go back to Korea" I said, I waited for an answer

"Really? Why? It's so sudden of you to say that" he said, maybe he was nervous that mom might get mad

"Remember Chaeryeong?.... she got into an accident and I'm afraid that... well I won't see her again soon if I don't go now" I said to him. I felt like crying right there but I don't want to look so weak in front of my dad.

"You miss her already don't you?" he asked and I looked at him, he had a genuine smile on his face. Does he know how hard it was for me to live without Chaeryeong?

"Y-yes" I mumbled, trying not to break down

"Come here" he said and patted the space beside him. I did as so and then looked at him.

"It's okay to cry Lia, I know you miss her a lot already" he said and this made made cry, I immediately hugged him as the tears fell to my cheeks. It was my fault why Chaeryeong's in a situation like this, it was all because of me being so selfish.

"I'll allow you to go back to Korea but we have to make sure your mom doesn't find out" he said and I nodded. I wiped off my tears and looked at him once again.

"I'll also find a place for you to stay at and don't worry about the payment, I'll pay for it in advance already" he said and it made me glad that dad was willing to help me to go back to Korea. I told him that I would be going back with Somi and he was okay with it.

I'm just glad that I could go back to Korea soon.

Third Person's POV

"She still won't wake up?" Chaeyeon asked, she just got back from school. Her parents didn't allowed her on not going since Chaeyeon would just have a hard time

"No" Yeji sadly said and sighed. Chaeyeon sighed as well and then tout her things on the couch that was in the room and went towards Chaeryeong's bed and sat down at the edge.

"I don't know how long she'll be like this" Chaeyeon said worriedly as she held her sister's hand

They stayed in a room for a while until Mr. and Mrs. Lee came back from work but they didn't know that Chaeryeong was slightly already awake...

Chaeryeong slowly opened her eyes, it was a little bit blurry for her but she could see her sister and some of her friends talking to each other. She rubbed her neck since it was hurtling a little but then her eyes widened when she realized something.

"The necklace..." she mumbled which caused the girls all to look at her

"Chaeryeong!!" Chaeyeon said excitedly and went towards her sister to give her a hug.

"You'e finally awake unnie!" Yuna exclaimed but then Chaeryeong started crying

"Chaery... what's wrong?" Chaeyeon asked worriedly

"The necklace.... where's the necklace?!" Chaeryeong asked as she cried.

"What necklace?" Chaeyeon was confused

"Give me back my necklace! I need it!" Chaeryoeng cried and it made all of them confused but Yeji knew what Chaeryeong was talking about.

"I think she meant Lia's necklace" Yeji said and it made Chaeyeon sigh

"Chaery, they had to remove it. We can put it on you later" Chaeyeon said

"No! give it to me now! Please unnie, just let me wear the necklace... I... I need it please" Chaeryeong sobbed and Chaeyeon had nothing else to do, she needs to get the necklace back at their house.

"Fine, I'll go back to the house and get it at mom's room okay?" Chaeyeon said and Chaeryeong nodded

"Yeji, watch over her for me please" Chaeyeon said and Yeji nodded

Chaeyeon then left the room and Yeji went to the bed along with Yuna.

"Why do you need the necklace so much unnie?" Yuna asked Chaeryeong

"Its the last thing I have of Lia unnie.... I already lost her, I can't lose the necklace as well" Chaeryeong said and wiped her tears

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