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Lia was just sitting down on the couch and Chaeryeong was still studying and doing some of her activities. Lia felt a little bit hungry so she decided if she could get something from downstairs.

"Umm Chaeryeong, I'll just buy something downstairs. Need anything?" she asked the younger

"I'm fine, thank you" Chaeryeong quickly said and continued doing her work.

Lia nodded and grabbed her wallet and went out of the room, she quickly took the elevator to get down on the ground floor so that she could buy some food at the hospital's cafeteria. She bought some few snacks and a drink and then went back to Chaeryeong's room.

As she was about to enter the room, she was called by a nurse.

"Miss" she heard and turned around as she sees the nurse walking towards her.

"Yes?" Lia asked

"Are you Ms. Lee's guardian?" the nurse suddenly asked

"Yes, why?l Lia simply answered even though she wasn't sure if she could be Chaeryeong's guardian

"Oh, we just need to tun some lab tests" the nurse said which confused Lia

"Lab tests? I thought she's almost fully recovered?" Lia asked

"Yes Miss, but we need to run some tests just to make sure if she's allowed to go home now" the nurse said and Lia just nodded. They both then went to Chaeryeong's room and soon later some other nurses went in as well

"What are they doing here?" Chaeryeong asked and looked at Lia

"Good morning Ms. Lee, we're just here so that we can run some other tests" the nurse said and Chaeryeong started to get worried. She knew what the nurses meant, they need to get some blood from her for them to run some tests.

"I-I thought I'm already better? why do you still need to get blood from me?" Chaeryeong asked

"Just to make sure if you can finally leave miss, it would just be quick" the other nurse said, preparing the injection. It made Chaeryeong gulp, she hated the sharp needle, she would always be terrified of it because it would hurt a lot.

"But my parents aren't here, even my sister" Chaeryeong said

"You have a guardian here Ms. Lee, we need to do it now" the nurse said and Chaeryeong just looked down on her lap, her eyes getting teary because she was scared.

"Miss, we need to remove the things in front of her" The nurse said to Lia and Lia quickly removed Chaeryeong's activity sheets and then the bed table.

"Can't we wait for my parents or my sister to come here?" Chaeryeong asked, she was almost crying because she never got injected before, well the first time when she was immediately brought here to the hospital when she was still in a coma.

"We can't miss, we need to quickly do this" the nurse said.

Lia then saw how frightened Chaeryeong was, she knew the younger wouldn't be able to face things all by herself.

"Excuse me, may we talk alone for a few minutes please?" Lia asked, she wanted to talk to Chaeryeong first to calm her down.

"But miss-"

"It will just be quick I promise" Lia said and the nurses just gave in, they left the room first.

Lia then went towards Chaeryeong and sat at the side of the bed.

"Hey, it will just be quick" Lia said

"But I'm scared...... you know that" Chaeryeong said the last one softly

"I'll be here when they get some blood from you, they won't do anything else" Lia reassured

"Still.... I've never got injected before, even as a kid. I'm scared Lia, and I'm scared if it would hurt" Chaeryeong said as she looks at Lia.

"I know your scared Chaeryeong, but I'll be here beside you. You can even hold my hand as they do it" Lia said

"I can?" Chaeryeong asked

"Yes, as long as it will make you feel better" Lia said and Chaeryeong nodded.

Lia then let the nurses in and she went back to sit beside the younger, Chaeryeong immediately held Lia's hand with her other as the nurses got ready.

"You can squeeze my hand if it hurts" Lia whispered and Chaeryeong just nodded. As soon as she saw the sharp needle of the syringe, she got scared once again.

"This will just be quick miss" the nurse said and Chaeryeong just nodded in response, later on the nurse then pushed the needle into Chaeryeong's skin which caused Chaeryeong to turn her head and hide her face on the crook of Lia's neck.

"It hurts" Chaeryeong muttered softly against Lia's skin

"It will be gone soon, just a few more seconds" Lia whispered back, trying to comfort her.

After some long few minutes, as Chaeryeong may have thought, the nurses finally got some blood from her and thanked her before leaving.

Lia still couldn't move from her position since Chaeryeong was still resting against her. She also didn't want to move since she might accidentally hurt Chaeryeong because of the IV drip.

"Chaeryeong?" Lia called out softly

"It still hurts" Chaeryeong whimpered and Lia glanced at Chaeryeong's other hand, there was a cotton ball secured on the area where blood was taken from her.

"May I see?" Lia asked and Chaeryeong slowly moved her other hand towards Lia, Lia then held her hand gently and slowly moved it towards her face, she knows it wouldn't be much okay for Chaeryeong but she wanted to show Chaeryeong that she will akways care for her.

When Lia gently placed a kiss on the back of Chaeryeong's hand, it caused the younger to look at her.

"It will get better soon" Lia said and it made Chaeryeong smile

"Thank you" Chaeryeong said

"Want to lay back down now?" Lia asked

"Mhm, can you stay beside me please?" Chaeryeong asked

"Of course" Lia said softly and she helped Chaeryeong to lay back down properly, she then also laid down beside the younger. As she knew, Chaeryeong wrapped her arms around Lia and then Lia wrapped her around her as the younger hid her face once again on the crook of the older's neck.

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