Chapter 2: Study Session

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The celebration assembly was amazing. The cheer team were loved by the students and all eyes were on them and the basketball team. Cassie could feel Brody watching her, which wasn't unusual as he had done it many times before, but this time it was different. There were hints of affection and lust in his eyes, something Cassie wanted to stay clear from. When the assembly was over, the cheerleaders packed up their cheer equipment, whilst the basketball players headed to the locker rooms. Chrissy ran over the Cassie who sat on the bench, organising her bag. "Hey Cas, so, Jaxen has asked if he could take me out on a date tonight, and you know I hate to skip girly time but-"

Before she could finish, she was cut off by Cassie. "Go," she giggled, "I know you two haven't been out together in a while."

Chrissy gave her a big hug, "Thank you." She pulled away from the hug and grabbed her bag which lay next to Cassie. "I have to go but I will see you at lunch okay."

"See you later Chrissy." As Chrissy walked out, Cassie grabbed her bag and waved goodbye to the other girls that were still packing away, some verbally said goodbye, whilst others gave her half smiles. As she walked out of the hall and into the courtyard, she looked around for a moment before starting to walk. That was until a boy stood in front of her with a bright smile pierced across his face. "Hi Cassie, it's me, Dylan, from earlier." Cassie looked at him with a smile, a boy who looked so proud to be 'the next her' was talking to her yet again.

"Hey Dylan, what's up?" she said in a delighted tone, tilting her head a little.

"Are you busy tonight, um, I- ugh, to tutor?" he hesitantly said, as if he was making it up.

She gave him a small smirk "And why would you Dylan," She paused inviting him to tell her his last name.

"Hawk," he announced quickly.

"Right, and why would you, Dylan Hawk, need tutoring, from me? Wasn't you telling me how Ms Marshall thought you could be the next me about an hour ago?" She smiled cheekily, knowing full well that he did not need any form of tutoring, not from her, and most of the time, not from his teachers.

"I never said it was for me?" He said in an offended manner as he gestured towards the table and bench that was a few feet away. They walked towards it as she continued, "Then who is it for, and why are they getting you to ask me?" She sat down placing her bag beside her.

"I, ugh-." He stuttered.

Cassie quickly realised what was going on and placed her freshly manicured hand on the table. "No one needs tutoring, do they?" she asked, slightly disheartened.

"No." He stated looking down.

"Then why did you say there was?" He looked up at her meeting her eyes.

"I need your help."

"With what Dylan?" She placed her hand on top of his to reassure him.

"I would rather not talk about it now, can you just meet me at the drama room after school today, I will tell you everything then, okay?" He seemed to force the sadness out which made Cassie question his genuineness, but she agreed, nodding her head as an answer. From this small act, Dylan shot up from the table and smiled widely. "Great, see you then," he explained a now happy beat in his step as he walked away. Jeez, for a kid that seemed so upset moments ago, his mood soon changed.

The bell rang, signalling students to their next class, which luckily for Cassie, was music, a class she felt free to express herself in, even if that was behind closed doors. She grabbed her bag and began to walk off in the same direction Dylan had just disappeared from. She could feel eyes watching her, but she did not want to acknowledge them for a second, whoever they were, would not get the satisfaction of that. She reached the music room's door when she saw Gareth, another boy from the group she had encountered earlier. He moved to the side slightly for her to get in, smiling lightly as she walked past. The teacher, Mr Concello, sent her a smile as she walked in, following her with his eyes and she walked towards the back seat, closest to the piano, farthest from everyone.

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