Chapter 31: Morning Sunshine

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Cassie slept peacefully for two hours before her intrusive thoughts ran around her head, lifting herself up in the bed, and resting her head on the headboard; Elijah was unawakenable, simply moving to her chest and resting his head on her lap as he clung onto her waist. She found herself drifting in and out of sleep, playing with his messy mane to distract her as best it could. It was around 8:30 when she couldn't cope anymore and needed to be doing something, something more distracting. She gently pulled away from Elijah's grip and walked quietly down the stairs, peering into the lounge to see the four boys sprawled out on the sofas and floor. She went towards the kitchen and picked up a black bag, ready to tidy the house, picking up all the empty cups, packaging and whatever she could, in order for the room to be cleaner. She continued this for the next hour or so before she heard another set of footsteps walk downstairs and into the kitchen. They wore a pair of shorts and a basketball shirt that was too big for them.

"Morning Cas," Jaxen spoke in a tired voice.

"Hey Jaxen, how'd you sleep?"

"Alright I guess, Chrissy was a little sick last night, but I think it's calmed down now," he informed her before sitting on a stall around the kitchen island.

"Coffee?" She offered, to which he responded with a little nod. She poured them both tall cups of caffeinated goodness, sharing light conversation before he brought up a topic a little too fresh in her mind.

"What happened last night?" he asked concerned. Jaxen could be cruel and mean but he had a heart and he did care deeply for Cassie. "People were saying you and Brody kissed." With that she simply glanced over to him, showing her unamused expression at that fact.

"He kissed me," she spoke as her mind trailed off to that night, the way he grabbed her, the way he threatened her, it frightening her even as she thought of it, her body tensing up and Jaxen could see it on her face.

"He's a jackass Cas, pay no attention to him, he'll get bored soon enough." He tried to reassure her but she was continuing to torture herself of last night's events before turning to Jaxen with a confused expression.

"Jaxen, what does whitey mean?"

"Um, well it's when you drink a lot and then smoke some," he hesitated, he always looked at Cassie as if she was a little kid, not wanting to ruin her innocence as he continued, her expression needing the information, "weed, and they both react and it makes you be sick and all that." She simply sat, processing the information before continuing. "I think lots of people had that yesterday, you could smell the weed from miles away. You didn't smoke any did you?" She rapidly turned to Jaxen who looked at her very concerned with his question.

"No, god no, it's just, um, someone said that someone else might have one and I just didn't understand," she responded, her statement being honest and true.

"They probably got it from the freak," he spoke harshly before realising, "I mean Elijah, sorry Cas."

"You don't still honestly believe that do you?" she questioned, only before piecing little pieces of evidence together. She hated to admit it, but he was right. There it was, the truth, and not even from the people she needed it from.

"Jaxen," she continued, wanting more answers, Jaxen being the most honest person in her life at that moment. "What are Brody and Sebastian always fighting about?" Although he wasn't there for the big fight at the last party, he was close with both Sebastian and Brody and most definitely had the information she craved for. He hesitated, sipping at his coffee as his eyes widened.

"Cassie," he began, seeing the desperation in her eyes, she just wanted the truth, she deserved the truth. "You, it was over you." He watched as her face dropped, her body wanting to be engulfed by the world around her at that moment. "If you want my advice Cassie, stay away from all of them, Brody isn't a nice guy and he doesn't seem to want to just be your friend, his intentions are much more" he couldn't put it into words, watching as Cassie processed the information." Look Cassie I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything." He reached his hand out, grabbing hers in reassurance.

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