Chapter 22: The apology

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Lunch rushed around quicker than usual, Cassie collected her belongings before walking into the hallway, where Chrissy stood waiting for her.

"We are not eating in the hall, no way Chris," Cassie immediately protested.

"Yes, we are young lady, you are not hiding from this, they have to see that you are unbothered, show your confidence."

"Can't I have a day of bothered-ness?" Cassie pleaded at Chrissy's remarks, as she dragged her towards the hall.


The two entered the hall and Cassie felt the eyes draw towards her, judging looks analysing her body. They walked towards the table where the basketball players were sitting. Cassie hesitated, seeing their faces, understanding what they had said to her yesterday.

"Chrissy, I can't do this," she whispered before they arrived at the table. It was too late; she was already standing there.

"Cassie," one of the cheerleaders expressed, moving slightly for the two to walk past. "How are you, Chris said you went home sick yesterday."

"Oh, I'm fine now, just a bad migraine," Cassie responded, receiving a look from Chrissy.

"I'm glad, cheer practice wouldn't be the same without you girl." They all laughed a little, while the players began a discussion on their own.

"See, it's not that bad." Chrissy expressed before turning to Jaxen.

"What's up shorty? Who do I need to fight?" Sebastian assumed she was upset because someone had upset her, which although was true, she would never tell Sebastian what Dylan said, she knew Dylan didn't mean it, it just hurt.

"Cassie." A voice shouted across the hall, catching everyone's attention, her head dropped to the table, not wanting the same events to repeat from yesterday.

"Cassie Hassing." The voice called again. She began to recognise it, her head lifting and turning to see Dylan standing on a chair, flowers in his hand.

"I'm sorry Cassie," he expressed, his voice loud and apologetic.

"Dylan, what the hell are you doing?" Sebastian yelled across, not angry just confused.

"I'm apologising to your sister because I said some really mean things, which I promise I did not mean." Cassie rose from her chair at this, walking past Sebastian and up the walkway in the centre of the room. She was walking towards him, her skirt dancing around her as she did so. "I really am sorry Cas, I didn't mean it, and it was stupid to say and I'm sorry. Truly sorry." With that he jumped off his chair and walked towards her, the two of them stopping in the centre of the hall, all eyes on them. She didn't say a word, which frightened him; he didn't want to lose his friendship with her over a slip-up. They stood there for what felt like forever before she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him in for a small hug, which caught him off guard.

"I know you meant it, but it's okay," she muffled into his clothes as he looked down at her, realising she wasn't as gullible and unaware as he had once thought. When they pulled away from the hug, he extended his arm out, handing her a bouquet of an arrangement of flowers, all shades of pink. "Thank you," she whispered to him, taking the flowers and their aroma.

"I think they want you back now," he spoke, gaining her attention as they both looked towards her table who looked back at them.

"They can wait a little longer," she said before walking over to his table.

"No cheerleaders allowed, sorry," Greg teased as he ate.

"Hmm but I see unmannered boys are," she teased back, laying the flowers on the table in front of her. Dylan had walked back over to his seat at this point, meaning all the boys had to look up to her. It wasn't a big deal to most, but it was a win in her eyes, nearly always being smaller than the people she was with.

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