Chapter 29: You're Slipping

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"Party at mine tonight everyone," Sebastian announced, standing on a table in the middle of the cafeteria, receiving applause from a few close by. "And you're all invited." At this, the hall broke into roars of applause and chanting, which Sebastian most definitely bathed in for a few moments before looking over to Cassie who was walking towards the table.

"I see you are going to celebrate your birthday in style," she implied as she and Chrissy took a seat at the table.

"Of course, shorty," he happily spoke, stepping down and giving her a small hug, which felt more like a chock hold to Cassie as she sat down.

"And you say everyone is invited?" Chrissy curiously questioned.

"Sure, why not," Sebastian spoke, as his attention began to change towards some of the basketball players.

"Great," Chrissy's head whipped round to Cassie, eyes widening as they did, before looking past her, over to the table across from them, eyes already looking at them. Cassie quickly spun round to face the table also, seeing the countless pair of eyes on them, receiving wide grins and smiles, none that compared to Elijah's which caught Cassie's attention the most.

"Careful, they might see," Chrissy whispered to Cassie, her voice sweet but also teasingly. Cassie simply shrugged before turning back around, her eyes turning slower than the rest of her body, in order to see him for as long as she could. As she moved her eyes across the room, she caught eyes with Brody for a moment, who had been exiled from their table, but as always it wouldn't last, especially because he doesn't listen.

"Sebastian," she looked sharply over to him, her voice not concerned but curious, causing him to move over to her, so he could hear her better. "Does that include Brody?"

"Shit, I didn't think about that," he lifted his body up, annoyed with himself for not noticing it sooner.

"You good man?" Brody asked as he approached the table. His eyes looking over every person on the table, before landing on Cassie. She didn't fear him as much as she once did, the control that he had over her having washed away the more she spent time with Elijah. Sebastian simply hummed at him in response before turning around to walk out. "Pom poms, I see you have no objections to the party today."

"It's Sebastian's birthday, he can celebrate how he likes," she replied. She was much calmer about this party as Karen had given them permission for a party whilst she visited her sister for the weekend. She didn't often get to do it when Richard was home, so she was taking the opportunity whilst she could, allowing Sebastian to have his party as a form of reward.

"So I assume you will have no objections if I go," Brody flirted, his body leaning against the table, his face inches from hers. she turned towards Sebastian who gave her a defeated look before turning back to him.

"As Sebastian said," she paused, half the table watching them, "everyone's invited."

"Come on Cas," Sebastian spoke, beginning to walk towards the exit of the hall. With that, Cassie stood up from the table, Brody's eyes slow to follow hers as he appreciated her body. She picked up her bag before turning around from him.

"Cassie," Chrissy stated, standing up with her before she redirected her attention back towards the table of the boys who again watched.

"I'll be with you in a minute Sebastian," Cassie spoke sweetly, beginning to walk towards the table across from her.

"What do you want with them huh?" Brody held his arm out in front of her causing her to stumble backwards. She was progressively losing her grip on anger with Brody, her eyes turning to him slowly, his insult towards them, insulting her.

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