You two are idiots

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"You two are idiots." Hongjoong spoke his mind like always, which usually puts the other members in a sulking or bad mood, but deep down they know he means well.
Or curse him out behind his back to make themselves feel better. Whatever works.

Wooyoung grinned awkwardly. He expected it but still to hear it outloud was something else.

"For two years, I had to watch my own teammates worry over something that could easily be fixed? The manger never put you two in the same room, cuz even he see's how distant you guys are."

Maybe, getting someone advice about this wasn't a smart move.

Wooyoung tried calming him down. "We're not worrying over anything. As, you can see our minds are fully onto our jobs."

"My goodness, how could you handle two years without a peep!? You know how those side effects claw your brains out." Hongjoong ignored his previous comment.

"What side effects?" Wooyoung couldn't help but be curious.

Hongjoong scoffed. "Are you pulling my leg? I'm sure you've must've felt all kinds of it by now, two years I'm surprised you're not depressed."

"I'm good." Wooyoung nodded.

"Well, you got my advice. Talk to your band member like an adult rather than cowering away like a high school girl. But, not in front of the guys. It's a sensitive subject."

"I know if I mention it to him, he'll just brush it off as no big deal."

"So, what did you want to me say. Play it safe?" Hongjoong asked.

They both immediately stopped talking as their members coming back to the car.

Wooyoung scooted to the window as Jongho sat in the middle which is too close for his liking.

Hongjoong watching them with a disgust expression from the passenger seat through the rear view mirror.

(Completed) Hidden Under Makeup (Wooyoung & Jongho) (Ateez)Where stories live. Discover now